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a hand from last nights APAT Irish Championship satellite


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got a bit of needle with this hand,but also some support. i had already folded AJ the hand before when one player had gone all-in,so felt if i had folded again i was showing weakness. GAME #-2107972167: Texas Hold'em NL Tournament 2009-04-13 20:04:36 Table APAT Irish Online Champs Sat, 284523572, 2482313001 (Tournament: APAT Irish Online Champs Sat Buy-In: $10+$1) Seat 1: nyerunwxm ($2,590.00 in chips) Seat 2: DewiJ ($2,460.00 in chips) Seat 3: harapin ($2,840.00 in chips) Seat 4: 523ise ($2,470.00 in chips) Seat 5: kosh101 ($2,230.00 in chips) DEALER Seat 6: teaulcpl ($2,260.00 in chips) Seat 7: mousebob ($2,710.00 in chips) Seat 8: goater1414 ($2,500.00 in chips) Seat 9: spursf002 ($2,440.00 in chips) teaulcpl: Post SB $10.00 mousebob: Post BB $20.00 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulcpl [HA CK] goater1414: Fold spursf002: Fold nyerunwxm: Fold DewiJ: Raise (NF) $80.00 harapin: Call $80.00 523ise: Call $80.00 kosh101: Fold teaulcpl: Raise (NF) $420.00 mousebob: Fold DewiJ: Fold harapin: Raise (NF) $2,840.00 523ise: Fold teaulcpl: Allin $1,840.00 *** FLOP *** [H2 H3 H4] *** TURN *** [H8] *** RIVER *** [D4] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $5,280.00 Rake $0.00 harapin: Shows [D10 S10] harapin: wins $580.00 teaulcpl: wins $4,700.00

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Re: a hand from last nights APAT Irish Championship satellite You had to call this given the pot and your stack. 50/50 - you hit. :nana As a side point, I never worry about folding, I certainly don't call it 'weakness'. Folding losing hands is shrewd, not weak. You'd have to put a gun to my head for me to call the same bet with AJ, AQ for example.

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Re: a hand from last nights APAT Irish Championship satellite His raise is a poor raise when the blinds are so small. He has to put you on a big hand when you make such a raise. Its unlikely he has aa or kk since you have ak yourself so you have to put him on ak qq or maybe jj which means your gambling and are at best even money and you are getting better than even money with your call so its not a bad call and if hes bluffing then your getting around 5/4 on a 4/6 shot so its fine. His play does not represent aa or kk or he would have reraised the original raiser.

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Re: a hand from last nights APAT Irish Championship satellite Could,nt quite understand what the guy was on about to be honest:unsure. Just a standard hand you were pretty sure he did,nt have aces or kings and were happy to race. did you win a seat in the end Al? After crippling my captain with your AJ against her aces;).

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Re: a hand from last nights APAT Irish Championship satellite

Could,nt quite understand what the guy was on about to be honest:unsure. Just a standard hand you were pretty sure he did,nt have aces or kings and were happy to race. did you win a seat in the end Al? After crippling my captain with your AJ against her aces;).
yes i did mate,,,was the 2nd time on my table aces got done
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