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MTT Team Challenge


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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April

Am going to make another ammendment to the first post: The reasoning behing the 24 hour declaration is to stop teams competing in game selection - i.e. finding a game with large added value, keeping it to themselves and then jumping in 1 minute before the start. So within the spirit of that teams may at any time (even on the day) switch the game they are playing to the same game as another team (so long as their scheduled start time has not passed for the original game).
I'm confused. Am I missing something about "24 hour declarations", or do you just mean "nominating the game the day before" (which could be less than 24 hours before?)
In addition, the person nominated to play in a teams game can be changed right up until the start. (that's less important in the 24 hour declarations than the game)
As a one-man team, I probably don't need to know what the rules are for changing the nominated player, but I have no idea what the bit in brackets means! :lol
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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April Erm - I was trying to say that the purpose of the 24 hour declarations was mainly to get the pool of games that we were playing in the public domain, but that the specific person that will be playing the game, although requested, was not something that's that important - and can be changed any time up to the start of the tournament. For example - Johnny is put down to play Tournament X at 13:00 the next day - but Johnny gets caught at work and cannot get home to play it, so Johnny contacts his team at 12:00 to say he wont be able to play, then Jane can play instead of Johnny (even though Jane was not in the 24 hour declarations) - so long as this information is posted before the tournament starts. EDIT Suppose I can just scrub the part in brackets ;)

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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April OK, but when you talk about "24 hour declarations", you just mean "the day before" rather than "24 hours before"? If I want to play a game at 7pm on a Monday, I have to nominate it before 4am Monday, not by 7pm Sunday? :unsure

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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April

The reasoning behing the 24 hour declaration is to stop teams competing in game selection - i.e. finding a game with large added value, keeping it to themselves and then jumping in 1 minute before the start.
Yes - just day before If you want to play a game starting at 4:01 AM Monday, then you have to declare it by 4:00 AM Monday :loon So 1 minute before.
Perhaps I should go to bed. This is getting confuddling. :cry:cry
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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April Good luck Star :hope I take it mine doesn't count then, I have been nominated by my team to play sundays, but have been down in Windsor since Friday, till today about 3:15pm :sad

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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April

Good luck Star :hope I take it mine doesn't count then, I have been nominated by my team to play sundays, but have been down in Windsor since Friday, till today about 3:15pm :sad
You can play :ok I'm happy to be flexible where it doesn't risk teams "competing" in game selection :ok So by chosing a game that another team has entered, or one without added value (or a guarantee) then I dont see a problem :ok (it's still good if people declare day before if they can so we know who's playing what and adds to the competitive side of the event)
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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April Have edited an appeals procedure into post 1, in case players ever feel my decisions are unfair and wish to question them (as there could potentially be reasonable amounts of money involved) :ok

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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April With the 24 hour declarations their could be a problem with not knowing what stake tourney you can play until your teammate has finished his/her game which may not be until the early hours of the morning?

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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April Yeah - I was thinking about that earlier when I was considering next Wednesdays game - I cant think of any easy way around that though - so think teams/players just need to be aware of it and have contingencies in place :unsure (i.e. If there is a risk to bankroll, then their declaration could be "I will play tournament X if bankroll allows, otherwise I will play tournament Y"). Alternatively, maybe the player involved in the late game could make the declaration for the team after they've finished? The majority of the time though, I imagine teams will know enough for it not to be an issue.

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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April

With the 24 hour declarations their could be a problem with not knowing what stake tourney you can play until your teammate has finished his/her game which may not be until the early hours of the morning?
Now that's a very good point :ok How's about 3 hours, as players nominated can change if needed.
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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April

With the 24 hour declarations their could be a problem with not knowing what stake tourney you can play until your teammate has finished his/her game which may not be until the early hours of the morning?
Yeah - I was thinking about that earlier when I was considering next Wednesdays game - I cant think of any easy way around that though -
Well, in my team everybody is going to stay up to see how the team does, no matter how late it is. I'd have thought that's the very least you could ask for in the way of team solidarity. :eyes
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Re: MTT Team Challenge - Starting Saturday 18th April

Now that's a very good point :ok How's about 3 hours, as players nominated can change if needed.
The reason for day before is so that if a team find a good high value added game, then all teams have the opportunity to participate - I want to stand by that principal. Within the context of that - 3 hours declaration could be after some teams have played their daily game so I dont think that's enough. Hopefully, if I remain flexible with the declarations, then it wont be too much of a problem?
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Re: MTT Team Challenge I was wondering what others think about the rule banning other members of a team from playing in their team's "nominated player's" tournament? As a team of one, it works in my favour, and I can see the reason for it, but if it stops PL members from playing good value added tournaments, then it hits our collective pockets. Also, as today has shown, it wastes a lot of time (for multi-player teams) figuring out with the rest of your team whether you can play in a given tournament. Personally, I'd be quite happy to scrap the rule, with the understanding that soft-playing your nominated team-mate is cheating (it won't be that common that it's even an issue), and trust people to do the right thing. Alternatively, we could just ban value added tournaments from the challenge altogether.

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Re: MTT Team Challenge

I was wondering what others think about the rule banning other members of a team from playing in their team's "nominated player's" tournament? As a team of one, it works in my favour, and I can see the reason for it, but if it stops PL members from playing good value added tournaments, then it hits our collective pockets. Also, as today has shown, it wastes a lot of time (for multi-player teams) figuring out with the rest of your team whether you can play in a given tournament. Personally, I'd be quite happy to scrap the rule, with the understanding that soft-playing your nominated team-mate is cheating (it won't be that common that it's even an issue), and trust people to do the right thing. Alternatively, we could just ban value added tournaments from the challenge altogether.
I'm glad you brought it up, as I was wondering whether it was too restrictive - so I'll be interested to see the views :ok Fresh in my mind was what happened with the equity exchange clubs - and I wanted to do everything I could to avoid any possibility of a repeat. The problem as I see it is that just being honest isn't enough - you need to be seen to be being honest - with poker players being a pretty suspicious bunch - if you're at the same table as a "teammate" then often, whatever you do will look suspicious - damned if you do damned if you dont - the rule was put in place to try and avoid putting people in that situation. I wouldnt be keen for the solution to be to ban value added comps - for me, value added is the critical component of bankroll building :unsure
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Re: MTT Team Challenge

I was wondering what others think about the rule banning other members of a team from playing in their team's "nominated player's" tournament? As a team of one, it works in my favour, and I can see the reason for it, but if it stops PL members from playing good value added tournaments, then it hits our collective pockets. Also, as today has shown, it wastes a lot of time (for multi-player teams) figuring out with the rest of your team whether you can play in a given tournament. Personally, I'd be quite happy to scrap the rule, with the understanding that soft-playing your nominated team-mate is cheating (it won't be that common that it's even an issue), and trust people to do the right thing. Alternatively, we could just ban value added tournaments from the challenge altogether.
Today it's the Red Kings 1k added $1 game that is causing the talk. (I was planning to play it too to be honest, but for the team I'll let it go) I think this challenge is going to last a while before a team will reach $500. So it's bound to happen more often that a team will play a game that is very popular among the other teammates, especially when a team has a bankroll of $110+ (Be the Bounty, etc). I would like it if we could let go on the restriction of no other players in the same MTT, even though I can understand why GaF put it in there...
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Re: MTT Team Challenge I'd lift all restrictions on team mates competing in the same Tourney.....as usual if I'm at the table with someone from PL then I'm trying to knock him/her out just as much as the next person! :ok Surely this challenge is just being treated as a 'bit of fun on the side' from our normal evenings? :unsure The one man teams appear to benefit from these restrictions and in hindsight probably most of us are wishing we'd entered on our own! TQM

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