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First of all if this isnt allowed then remove immediatly please , dont want to be breaking any rules :ok Recently i have been trying to build a poker bankroll from scratch , i hadnt been going that well until i finished 4th in the juno invitional on stars for $37.50 :clap However , i blew it playing SNG HU :puke dont know why i played HU just thought it was the part of my game that sucked the most :unsure. I was wondering if an experience PLer and poker player could help me out with my game etc . Anyone interested let me know by PM :ok If this isnt allowed then im sorry for breaking the rules and please remove :tongue2

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Re: Coaching! nah your not breakin any rules by askin:ok but it will be tricky to pm you as you need 50 posts to use the pm facility. firstly watcha doin blowing your roll on 1 game(hu at a much higher level as well:spank) if someone wants to volunteer if they pm me i can get admin to send the details. i'd help myself but i'm pretty busy at the mo:\

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