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** Poker Thursday 2nd April **


** Poker Thursday 2nd April **  

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Re: ** Poker Thursday 2nd April ** Disapointed didn't go further, was well in control of my table very nitty for 6 handed was raising most post and taking down most of the blinds and after flop they were weak playerss simple cbet took the pot down. Oh well first event of scoop nice little warm up :)

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Re: ** Poker Thursday 2nd April ** :cry

Disapointed didn't go further, was well in control of my table very nitty for 6 handed was raising most post and taking down most of the blinds and after flop they were weak playerss simple cbet took the pot down. Oh well first event of scoop nice little warm up :)
I know how it feels played game tonight, winner gets $1050 seat 2nd gets nada, I came 2nd :cry
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Re: ** Poker Thursday 2nd April ** 699th ......... for $100 ........ Donked by runner runner QQ vs 88 .... for str8 ... for a $107k pot 6 hands later AQ vs 38 in BB ..... Ace and a 3 flop .. he bets ... I call .... 8 on turn .... for a 115k pot .... Finally out fair and square ... K 10 vs A K ... all in post flop on a 5 J K (all spades) board ... Ace spades on turn .... no one had a spade :( Great experience and enjoyed it ... but my bad luck hit at the big pot stage .... all in the space of 20 hands ...:cry One muppet jupiterj7 ..... his chip graph looks remarkably like the Austrian Alps .....:( Unfortunately it was his 88 that started it all off ....:@

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