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Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting?


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How do you read this hand? BossMedia Game #1521844826: Table Table TH 854 - €0.12/€0.25 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:37:36 - 2009/03/26 Seat 4: PLTelepee (€30.22) Seat 5: inkiwinki (€24.75) Seat 1: LeStat91 (€18.87) Seat 3: koliega (€57.86) Seat 2: _4fun_ (€25.00) inkiwinki posts the small blind of €0.12 LeStat91 posts the big blind of €0.25 PLTelepee is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLTelepee [:Jc: :Qs:] _4fun_ folds koliega folds PLTelepee raises €0.75 inkiwinki folds LeStat91 calls €0.75 *** FLOP *** [:Ac: :3c: :4c:] LeStat91 checks PLTelepee bets €1.00 LeStat91 calls €1.00 *** TURN *** [Ac 3c 4c] [:7c:] LeStat91 checks PLTelepee bets €2.00 LeStat91 calls €2.00 *** RIVER *** [Ac 3c 4c 7c] [:5h:] LeStat91 bets €2.00 PLTelepee ???????????? HUD stats I have on Villain (I include all, to help complete picture of him, even where it is stats not directly relevent to this hand), read as follows: VPIP 19% PFR 14% Preflop 3Bet 6% Attempt to steal 26% Number of times player has donk bet flop 50% Hands 159 Colour coding indicates the following: Preflop limp and fold: Low (less 10%) Fold to Preflop 3bet: mid (between 40 and 60%) Raise steal attempt: Low (less 10%) Fold steal to blind reraise : low to mid (between about 20% and 30%) Fold to flop cbet: high (90%-100%) Fold flop cbet in 3bet pot: low (less 10%) Fold to steal: mid to high (80%-90%) So villain here has donk bet €2 into a pot of about €7.50 from out of position after I have bet into him oreflop, on the flop and on the turn. What do we think his bet means? And what do I do?

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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting? I think he's got a middle ace and is trying to get a cheap showdown on a scary board. That said, it's likely he wouldn't call a raise unless he has you beat, so I'd be tempted just to call - though I am often guilty of not getting the full value on the river with the best hand on a scary board. Another advantage of calling is you get to see his hand..

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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting? I was convinced it was a blocking bet - further I thought that maybe he would pay me off a value bet - I put him on a non nut flush - maybe the Qc (and he was scared I had the K), but more likely a lower club - so I put in a small (ish :tongue2) value bet - and he min reraised me - eeeek - what now - do I pay him off? BossMedia Game #1521844826: Table Table TH 854 - €0.12/€0.25 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:37:36 - 2009/03/26 Seat 4: PLTelepee (€30.22) Seat 5: inkiwinki (€24.75) Seat 1: LeStat91 (€18.87) Seat 3: koliega (€57.86) Seat 2: _4fun_ (€25.00) inkiwinki posts the small blind of €0.12 LeStat91 posts the big blind of €0.25 PLTelepee is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLTelepee [:Jc: :Qs:] _4fun_ folds koliega folds PLTelepee raises €0.75 inkiwinki folds LeStat91 calls €0.75 *** FLOP *** [:Ac: :3c: :4c:] LeStat91 checks PLTelepee bets €1.00 LeStat91 calls €1.00 *** TURN *** [Ac 3c 4c] [:7c:] LeStat91 checks PLTelepee bets €2.00 LeStat91 calls €2.00 *** RIVER *** [Ac 3c 4c 7c] [:5h:] LeStat91 bets €2.00 PLTelepee raises €7.00 LeStat91 raises €12.00 PLTelepee ??????

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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting? Barring miraculous straight flushes, only two hands beat you. Would he re-raise with a hand you can beat? Your raise on the river could be construed as an attack on his weak bet rather than extreme strength, and he could think his pair of eights (with a club) is good. I think I might call.:unsure

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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting? It was never a spot for a value bet ( the only hand that calls probably beats you) The fact he raised so little i think you have to call, if he does have you beat then his raise is terrible.

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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting?

It was never a spot for a value bet ( the only hand that calls probably beats you) The fact he raised so little i think you have to call' date=' if he does have you beat then his raise is terrible.[/quote'] Is the key to beating microstakes not value betting relentlessly and light? Appreciate I may have bet a little too light here, but I'm confident that many opponents WILL call here with just :2c: (even no clubs!!!) I was just totally convinced it was a blocking bet, I just didnt believe he had me beat - it turns out he flopped the nuts - and I agree with the Mole, that his check/calls and mini bet on the river were terrible, but that's what hoiked me in in the end. I did pay him off :$ Getting nearly 6-1, I thought I had to call :$ Overall, I dont know what to make of the hand - and I dont know what I'd do in the same position again. Despite the result, I do think there is often value to be had there :unsure What I hate most, is that even seeing the cards after the event, I just cannot get into his head. I cannot understand what his reasoning (right or wrong) is that made him play the hand the way he did :unsure BossMedia Game #1521844826: Table Table TH 854 - €0.12/€0.25 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:37:36 - 2009/03/26 Seat 4: PLTelepee (€30.22) Seat 5: inkiwinki (€24.75) Seat 1: LeStat91 (€18.87) Seat 3: koliega (€57.86) Seat 2: _4fun_ (€25.00) inkiwinki posts the small blind of €0.12 LeStat91 posts the big blind of €0.25 PLTelepee is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLTelepee [:Jc: :Qs:] _4fun_ folds koliega folds PLTelepee raises €0.75 inkiwinki folds LeStat91 calls €0.75 *** FLOP *** [:Ac: :3c: :4c:] LeStat91 checks PLTelepee bets €1.00 LeStat91 calls €1.00 *** TURN *** [Ac 3c 4c] [:7c:] LeStat91 checks PLTelepee bets €2.00 LeStat91 calls €2.00 *** RIVER *** [Ac 3c 4c 7c] [:5h:] LeStat91 bets €2.00 PLTelepee raises €7.00 LeStat91 raises €12.00 PLTelepee calls €12.00 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot €30.07 | Rake €1.55 Board: [Ac 3c 4c 7c 5h] PLTelepee won (€0.00), mucks LeStat91 won (€30.07), showed [:Tc: :Kc:] _4fun_ won (€0.00), mucks koliega won (€0.00), mucks inkiwinki won (€0.00), mucks
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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting? I'm not sure I see what he did wrong, he knew he had you from the flop and let you set the pace and kept you in the hand. He handed out rope at every stage and you hanged yourself, in his position I may have CR'd the river.

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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting? Just seen this the now. Am I the only one that would do a slight raise on the first hand?? He's clearly spotted the flush, maybe even has the 2 clubs already present, hence the small raise. But a J high flush is formidable, and his tiny raises would incent me to think he hasnt exactly got a pair of pocket A's, 3's or 4's Then again, depends how much you can afford to lose should the inevitable happen.

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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting?

I'm not sure I see what he did wrong, he knew he had you from the flop and let you set the pace and kept you in the hand. He handed out rope at every stage and you hanged yourself, in his position I may have CR'd the river.
You like his bet on the river? As most have said, they would just call - I seem to be in the minority to reraise. The €2 bet is a good blocking bet because it stops the action against most players and keeps it cheap - surely he needs to be betting for value here, not in a way that is likely to stop the action? I accept I hung myself - if you play aggresively, you will get caught like that from time to time - I just couldn't put him on the nuts though :unsure He made no attempt at any stage to play a big pot, when he should have been working out how to stack me? He got more out of me than he would out of most players playing that way.
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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting? I dont think he'd have got much more out of me by playing any different - but I also find it tough to believe he could read me well enough to know that :unsure

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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting? If he spotted the previous aggro from you then it was odds on he is going to check the nuts ! The $5 reraise sucks you in better than the allin at the end. I think you may be thinking too much at this level - it will only make your head hurt! :lol

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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting? Personally I don't think he did much wrong although where he called on the turn I might have been tempted to put in a small raise to build the pot but this might also have made you more wary. I'm not so keen on your re-raise on the river as I can honestly say i would have put him on Kc and to be honest he's only calling if he has you beat. Then when he re-raises you back with a relatively small raise you have to think your beat but I can understand why you called because you were getting good odds and it is hard to get away from.

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Re: Small bet on the river - is my opponent blocking or value betting? Ok, just seen this thread and i'm going to have a look at the you played the hand, as i don't think you played it brilliantly. Obviously i welcome any criticism and further opinion. You - The pre-flop raise is fine. The c-bet on the flop is fine, sometimes i would check behind there with a lot of outs and take it later, just to keep my c-bet frequency around 75-80% rather than being 100%, but the bet is fine. On the turn, it is very likely that you have the best hand and can't be outdrawn, so on the one hand, betting for value is good, but on the other hand, you are unlikely to get called by a worse hand. I prefer to check and call a river bet or check and bet the river if checked to. But i really hate your play on the river. You have to just smooth call there, because what worse hands are going to call you there? You're not going to get a call from the 10c or worse. And i also hate your call after his re-re raise! You can say that you had good pot odds, but when you think about it, how often are you going to win there? Personally, i would need odds of at least 20/1 to call that on the end, and you had nowhere near the correct odds, so i would definately have folded.

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