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Bubble Pressure


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I was playing a €10 rebuy 7.5k G'Tee with 239 runners and managed to get myself deep into the Tourney and with the bubble about to burst find myself in this situation. I am in the BB with Ah Qh the player to my left had been very active and previous showdowns he was raising with a wide variety of hands from any position, 10 J, Q 10, etc also +1 had been calling quite a few hands and generally folding from any sign of strength. How would you have played this hand knowing its bubble time - i fill in the details later. ***** Hand 1514653779 ***** 1500.00/3000.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 22 March 2009 01:50:40 €7,500 GTD REBUY (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: didoruse (61876.00) Seat 2: MarcOH (47967.00) Seat 3: Unknown (0.00) Seat 4: gangl99 (77972.00) Seat 5: PLRIVRD (49239.00) Seat 6: ringhio11 (65370.00) Seat 7: vincedub (69850.00) Seat 8: mario0121 (39951.00) Seat 9: Unknown (0.00) Seat 10: UhLaLa (95895.00) gangl99 post SB 1500.00 PLRIVRD post BB 3000.00 ** Deal ** didoruse [N/A, N/A] MarcOH [N/A, N/A] gangl99 [N/A, N/A] PLRIVRD [Qh, Ah] ringhio11 [N/A, N/A] vincedub [N/A, N/A] mario0121 [N/A, N/A] UhLaLa [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** ringhio11 Raise to 7950.00 vincedub Fold mario0121 Call 7950.00 UhLaLa Fold didoruse Fold MarcOH Fold gangl99 Fold PLRIVRD Call 7950.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [5c, 4h, 10h]

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Re: Bubble Pressure Has he been active from early position? If so, I just shove pre flop, and hope to take the dead money. As played I lead out on a flop with a bet that commits me if someone raises, and then at worst I have outs. If you take his UTG raise as extreme strength, you can fold pre flop.

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Re: Bubble Pressure

Up against two others' date=' one most likely has a pocket pair, you didn't hit so you should chuck it. There will be a better time to get your chips in.[/quote'] Assuming they don't have AA, KK, QQ, AK (if you're putting them on these hands, why call pre-flop?) or a set, you are favourite with 2 overs and a flush draw. Like I said, I think the flat call pre flop is wrong, but as played this is about as good a situation as you could have hoped to flop.
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Re: Bubble Pressure i would have folded preflop as much as i love AQs,even with the call as you have done preflop you have 2 options here,all in or fold. i would fold personally as i very rarely hit chasing a flush whereas with others from this forum,they hit every time.

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Re: Bubble Pressure

Has he been active from early position? If so' date=' I just shove pre flop, and hope to take the dead money. [/quote'] Yes this guy and been doing this quite a bit, so i didnt take his hand as showing any real strength.
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Re: Bubble Pressure I think I don't actually mind the pf call that much. It's 5K (not 4K) into a pot of 21K and you are closing the action. I would check and shove over any bet on the flop. If they let you see a free card then that's also fine.

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Re: Bubble Pressure

I'm already in the BB for 3K' date=' with the bets and antes in there it was only another 4k to call into a pot of over 21k - so felt i was getting great odds to call and see the flop.[/quote'] You've given a good reason for the call pre-flop, and tbh you couldn't have hoped for a much better flop. I think I'd be pushing on this flop - a raise to 17k or so pretty much commits you anyway, so you may as well push to try and take the pot. Check-raise all in may be an option, but danger is they check behind, and scare card comes on turn.
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Re: Bubble Pressure The pre-flop call is the correct option, a raise would be a bluff, because your opponent is not going to call a re-raise for all or most of his chips with AJ. At best, you would be in a race against 99 or 10s but thats not ideal either. If you have a bad hand then the re-raise is a better move, but here you should take great odds to see a flop in a big pot with a good hand. And on the flop its a definate check raise all in for me! Great draw with fold equity and lots of money in the pot, plus your opponents may check behind and you get a free card.

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Re: Bubble Pressure Thanks for your comments - this is what happened, as you have already commented i couldnt of hoped for a better flop, so i decided to push all in, i've got to overs to the board plus the flush draw as well, so was hoping to take down the pot there and then as it was the bubble . . . . *** Flop(Board): *** : [5c, 4h, 10h] *** Bet Round 2 *** PLRIVRD All-in 41289.00 ringhio11 Fold mario0121 All-in 32001.00 (YIKES) *** Turn(Board): *** : [5c, 4h, 10h, Ac] (Though great) *** River(Board): *** : [5c, 4h, 10h, Ac, Ad] (Thought lovelely jubbly) *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 91752.00 didoruse Fold Win: 0.00 MarcOH Fold Win: 0.00 gangl99 Fold Win: 0.00 PLRIVRD [Qh, Ah] Three of a kind, aces Win: 0.00 ringhio11 Fold Win: 0.00 vincedub Fold Win: 0.00 mario0121 [5d, 5h] Full house Win: 91752.00 (thought bollox) UhLaLa Fold Win: 0.00 I still felt i made the right play here - i was then left with 6k and the bubble boy in 31st position - bubbled burst and i managed to crawl my self up to 18th (post in MTT wins) before going out.

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