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Part II - Deep stack QQ out of poisition facing 6xBB raise...


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Part I was here - Deep stack QQ out of poisition facing 6xBB raise... I just want to stress too - delving into this hand was in no way results oriented - I was totally unsure of my action pre flop and that is why I flagged the hand (as you can see I took a screen print before making my pre flop decision) - In the event it did develop into something more interesting post flop - and that's why I'm progressing beyond the initial pre flop decision. I accept that the pre flop call was poor, and that no-one else chose to limp pre flop - however for the future decisions, would appreciate your thoughts at each stage, accepting how the hand were played that far :ok PokerStars Game #26210237210: Tournament #149714191, $2.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (20/40) - 2009/03/21 17:01:06 ET Table '149714191 9' 9-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: karamelllka (1905 in chips) Seat 2: jev85 (3680 in chips) Seat 3: DEDdraw (1400 in chips) Seat 4: bloob38 (2520 in chips) Seat 5: pl-GaF (2355 in chips) Seat 6: jopy71 (6265 in chips) Seat 8: Chomperdoo (1495 in chips) Seat 9: DanielSouza (260 in chips) pl-GaF: posts small blind 20 jopy71: posts big blind 40 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to pl-GaF [:Qc: :Qs:] Chomperdoo: folds DanielSouza has timed out DanielSouza: folds DanielSouza is sitting out karamelllka: raises 200 to 240 jev85: folds DEDdraw: calls 240 bloob38 has timed out bloob38: folds bloob38 is sitting out DanielSouza has returned bloob38 has returned pl-GaF: calls 220 jopy71: calls 200 *** FLOP *** [:5d: :4s: :6h:] pl-GaF: ????

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Re: Part II - Deep stack QQ out of poisition facing 6xBB raise... Ok, regardless of the pre-flop play, I would now bet. But, I'm torn between two options: 1. Bet 650-700 and be wary of any call/fold to a re-raise. 2. All-in (my favourite bet :loon:loon). With the chance to build my stack early, I'd probably opt for the all-in. Calling offers your opponents the chance to steal with nothing, and gives you no information.

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Re: Part II - Deep stack QQ out of poisition facing 6xBB raise... See what the flat call gets you OOP -:) - you've now got the (Big Stack)BB involved as well I'm not over keen on betting into 4 players on this board - theres probably at least 1 draw out there for the strait, and both the Initial Raiser and Caller I had as having low-pairs in their range. So of the low pairs 33,77 will be calling a raise and one could already have a set - but not betting gives the added problems of a K or A falling and where do you go from there ?? If I bet then I'm wanting to get the BB involved also, as I'm hoping if one of the others have hit then at least I can try and get some of his chips - so I'm probably not pushing here (just yet) and would be betting just less than 2/3rds pot - probably around 600 - to just about price in a call from the BB if hes on a draw and give the shorter stacks a chance to bluff off their stacks with 77+ to JJ or even a big ace. I'm hoping the 600 looks weak enough to encourage a push from a short stack. They (Smaller stacks) will be virtually pot committed calling that raise so I'm calling a push from either of them - (however if a push comes from the BB then I've a tricky decision to make and may fold :unsure -as I'm still at starting stack - 1500 - and hopefully can regroup later)

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Re: Part II - Deep stack QQ out of poisition facing 6xBB raise... In the cold light of day, the way I played this hand is just looking worse and worse :$ So I'm not going to break it down any more decision by decision - I'll just put the whole hand up (before I bottle it :$). Could I have played this hand any worse if I'd tried? :$ PokerStars Game #26210237210: Tournament #149714191, $2.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (20/40) - 2009/03/21 17:01:06 ET Table '149714191 9' 9-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: karamelllka (1905 in chips) Seat 2: jev85 (3680 in chips) Seat 3: DEDdraw (1400 in chips) Seat 4: bloob38 (2520 in chips) Seat 5: pl-GaF (2355 in chips) Seat 6: jopy71 (6265 in chips) Seat 8: Chomperdoo (1495 in chips) Seat 9: DanielSouza (260 in chips) pl-GaF: posts small blind 20 jopy71: posts big blind 40 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to pl-GaF [:Qc: :Qs:] Chomperdoo: folds DanielSouza has timed out DanielSouza: folds DanielSouza is sitting out karamelllka: raises 200 to 240 jev85: folds DEDdraw: calls 240 bloob38 has timed out bloob38: folds bloob38 is sitting out DanielSouza has returned bloob38 has returned pl-GaF: calls 220 jopy71: calls 200 *** FLOP *** [:5d: :4s: :6h:] pl-GaF: checks jopy71: bets 80 karamelllka: calls 80 DEDdraw: folds pl-GaF: calls 80 *** TURN *** [:5d: :4s: :6h:] [:3s:] pl-GaF: checks jopy71: bets 280 karamelllka: calls 280 pl-GaF: calls 280 *** RIVER *** [:5d: :4s: :6h: :3s:] [:7s:] pl-GaF: checks jopy71: bets 440 karamelllka: calls 440 pl-GaF: folds *** SHOW DOWN *** jopy71: shows [:6c: :7d:] (a straight, Three to Seven) karamelllka: shows [:Qd: :As:] (a straight, Three to Seven) jopy71 collected 1460 from pot karamelllka collected 1460 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 2920 | Rake 0 Board [5d 4s 6h 3s 7s] Seat 1: karamelllka showed [Qd As] and won (1460) with a straight, Three to Seven Seat 2: jev85 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: DEDdraw folded on the Flop Seat 4: bloob38 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: pl-GaF (small blind) folded on the River Seat 6: jopy71 (big blind) showed [6c 7d] and won (1460) with a straight, Three to Seven Seat 8: Chomperdoo folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: DanielSouza folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: Part II - Deep stack QQ out of poisition facing 6xBB raise... Yeah this is def awful. For some of your standards it's shocking but hey we will play bad sometimes. But given the buy in I'm shsocked you didn't stick this all in PRE FLOP. I love the check on the flop this is how I would play but to be check raising not check calling. Turn sucks maybe questionable to fold here.

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Re: Part II - Deep stack QQ out of poisition facing 6xBB raise...

Could I have played this hand any worse if I'd tried? :$
No ........... :rollin:rollin So with hindsight what (if anything ) have you taken out of how you played the hand, and what do you do next time this situation arises...... :unsure
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Re: Part II - Deep stack QQ out of poisition facing 6xBB raise...

No ........... :rollin:rollin So with hindsight what (if anything ) have you taken out of how you played the hand, and what do you do next time this situation arises...... :unsure
:rollin:rollin I think I was trying to be too clever - trying too hard to leverage what I know against players that clearly dont know it!! :tongue2 I think I need to be more straightforward - and fearless in putting my chips in when I think I'm best - trying to keep the pot small doesn't work!
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