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DTD Tonight: So near & yet...


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Did well tonight, made the FT with only 4 x BB's left. Even so I managed to get to HU. Finished 2nd for £509. Got unlucky HU, I shoved all in on the flop when ahead and although I went further ahead on the turn he rivered a str8. Result here. http://www.dusktilldawnpoker.com/resultplayers.php?id=630 I know its heresy to mad mouth DTD but I was a little disappointed to find that the starting stack for the £25 + £5 FO was only £3000 chips. Even on the 1st level 25/50 people were committing themselves to hands due to the low starting stacks. The HU finished just prior to 3.00 am so another 1,000 each wouldn't have made much difference to the time. For the most part everyone left in the tournament was technically short stacked when the blinds started moving up.

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Re: DTD Tonight: So near & yet... Nice result, congrats. Agree with the point about the starting stack, it just doesnt seem enough, and what were the levels ? 20 mins / 24 mins, again a little too fast for me, it always seems the case that youve got to double/triple up very early to be in with a chance to play. Infact even the £50 games only give you 4000 starting if I recall correctly. But with the numbers and the fact the games has got to finish within a certain time, I suspose I can't complain too much, for the buyin its still a good well run tourney in a very good environment.

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Re: DTD Tonight: So near & yet... :clap:clap:clap backbutton.gif Previous Next nextbutton.gif

Entry: £25 Game: Hold Em
Registration: £5Limit: No Limit
Starting Chips: 3000Type: Freezeout
Total Entries: 97Special: Regular
Total Prizepool: £2,425
1Colin Whittingham£849
2David Griffiths£509
3Lewis Morton Monaghan£340
4Gary North£218
5Paula Kenny£170
6Warren Langham£121
7Ryan Jones£97
8James Laurie£73
9Anthony Clay£49
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