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Moving up?


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I know there's a lot of suggestions to be found about moving up but i would like the opinion of experienced PL players :) I am playing small stakes Heads-Up NL SnG's, and have been thinking about general guidelines as to when it's a good idea to move up a level on the buy-in ladder. The following statement needs to be completed: "Yep Hooloovoo, you could move up when you have a bankroll of X buy-ins, an ROI of Y % and a number of Z games played!" So let me know what you think! What values for X Y Z would you recommend?

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Re: Moving up? I dunno for heads up as the swings must be greater and I dont know many who play HU sng on here but my suggestion would be X = 40-50 buy ins but that would depend on your ability (ROI%) Y = any positive % is good but I'd say 10% is very good for HU Z = who cares! if you have X and Y in place why bother about Z?

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Re: Moving up?

Because the ROI is not very reliable if the number of games is too low. Thanks for the input tho :)
True but if you have enough roll to go into a level and you have a positive ROI why worry about number of hands. Obviously if you have played only 10 hands its a bit skew!
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