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Ok I Admit It

billy the punter

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I got lucky. Started playing in a live private game again. Plan to play once a week for the time being as it's a really soft game. The blinds are £2/£5 (pot-limit) and I sat with £300. 2nd hand. UTG calls, seat 2 calls, seat 3 (rock) raises the pot (£27 to play), button calls, I have AcKc in the BB. I could reraise to get his heads up but I'm scared of the original raiser - taking him on heads up, and getting it all-in preflop would leave me needing to hit, 100% fact. So I flat call, as UTG and seat 2. Flop comes 9JA. I check for info, all check to the raiser who bets £80 into the £140 app that's in the pot. Folded to me and I make it £200, (£120 raise), back to the raiser who moves in. :eek I only have £60 odd left so cannot pass (pot over £600), my only hope is that he also has AK - there is no way I'm winning. He flips over trip 9s. :\ Turn A River K :nana I'm such a mushroom. I played this cautiosly but still ended up getting my money in when tailed off. It turns out had I reraised preflop I would've won it uncontested preflop. Others may disagree but I do prefer to play AKs cautiosly in pot-limit games when out of position, even in multi-way pots.

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Re: Ok I Admit It I also play AK cautiously out of position, although our levels are miles apart. Couple of questions: What was your intention with the flop raise? I'm guessing you put him on a pair and if he has anything less than 99, JJ, AA then he has to fold. Did you leave £60 back to show strength?

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Re: Ok I Admit It

I also play AK cautiously out of position, although our levels are miles apart. Couple of questions: What was your intention with the flop raise? I'm guessing you put him on a pair and if he has anything less than 99, JJ, AA then he has to fold. Did you leave £60 back to show strength?
Well I mis-read his small bet on the flop and wasn't really thinking about him when I raised. I made a small raise, as it was possible I'd get a call from AQ from a lesser skilled player still to act. So I think I did the right thing pre, but got everything wrong after the flop - that said, it's probably impossible not to get it all in on the flop no matter how its played.
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Re: Ok I Admit It out of interest billy,were you playing short stacked on purpose or not :unsure if so ,would you possibly have folded to the reraise if you had say 100bbs?. i would guess yes(i 'm pretty sure i would be)but i can see why you would call in the situation you end up in, as you pretty much have to. just thinking that if i'm playing pl and i'm semi short stacked i would probably be pushing that pot pre flop, either way you can end up pot committed pretty soon with whats in the pot (£140 with £260 behind) ,so you cant keep it manageable really either way. yes you can fold on a ugly looking flop but you can also get caught up against a hand like this in a multiway pot. whenever you hit an a or k. still you got lucky,so it's all good in the end anyway :)

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Re: Ok I Admit It ;)We can analyse this hand for hours and still come up with the same answers - the money was going in, you got lucky!! It's the game. I think Uber hit the nail on the head regarding the stack size compared to blinds. And I think you realise this anyway Billy - this type of game is very common - players who can afford to lose, arent world class but love a gamble as well, hence the blind size. My guess is that people sit down with £750 to £1000 in their pocket, but only want to play £200-300 at a time, hence you get the gamble. Yes you overplayed it but against soft opponents what are you going to do - top pair, top kicker versus this type of opponent, you have a monster. I might go bust in the World Series with this hand, in a cash game you just pull up more more! As uber says, lets say everyone is playing a grand in front of them, when he re-pops pot after your bet of £200....that's a decision and a real chance to showcase your skills - when you let them know you can lay-down that hand, your image is made...;)

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Re: Ok I Admit It Well the venue owed me £300 so I just thought I'd spin that up to keep it nice and easy and see how I went. The stacks were between 250-500 (just 2 stacks of 500), no one sits deep in the game - although like Caker says, they will continue to keep pulling up 300 and 500s at a time. If I sat with 500 then I would've been passing. With regards to re-popping preflop, I don't like doing it with AKx in a loose PL game, especially when out of position. Also the original raiser is a rock, his range in that position (after another tightish player has limped) is 99, TT, JJ, QQ, KK, AA, and AK - and that's it, sometimes the range would be smaller still if he is winning. A prime example really how playing in a regular live game is very different from the anonimity of online play. It's far less about the maths and "by the book" moves. Which is why it's always hard to answer "what would you do" threads, without prior knowledge.

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