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Brave and fearless or foolish and stupid?


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A hand from tonights Irish Open Sat. Top 5 win packages ($6500), next 20 win a buy in back ($215). Just over 100 left

364,000chips in play
72,800average chips 5 left
15,826average chips 23 left
My feeling for the villain here is that he's a bit on the loose and passive side. f_20090118Padm_cb467f6.gif I escaped and got away with a split pot, but dont care about the result of this specific hand (or the specific cards he turned over in this instance) - what are the thoughts on the way I played it? What should I have done better? I want feedback - so be harsh/honest :ok
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Re: Brave and fearless or foolish and stupid? when he check raised you on the flop you should have folded. You had nothing but an open ended straight draw. He's indicated massive strength, there is no way you can put yourself ahead at this point, you have 8 outs for the straight and 3 to pair your Ace (which may not be enough to win the hand). At most 44%, but you need to down grade that number a bit to take into account other hands he may hold. In pure pot odds terms, it's super marginal but still probably a fold. In terms of where you are in the tourney, it's a screaming, honking, 100ft tall monster of a instafold

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Re: Brave and fearless or foolish and stupid?

My feeling for the villain here is that he's a bit on the loose and passive side.
... and a lot on the rude side. ;) I'd been at the table with him longer than you and I think you were the fourth to get called a donk or similar. Actually, I didn't think he was that passive after the flop, although he did limp and call a lot pre-flop. But if you thought he was on the passive side, isn't that an argument for taking his check-raise more seriously?
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Re: Brave and fearless or foolish and stupid? GAF you sick degenerate gambler!! Any number of top Vegas pros would have played it the same way!! I wish you'd pulled this play on Mike Matusow - he'd have f-bombed his way out of the next 2 world series!! I suppose you could have defined you hand more by raising more pre-flop but the fact of the matter is the way the board came, all the money was going in at some stage. Even if you check behind him on the turn, you then hit your ten....which makes it difficult to get away from..as the boys have said, really only when he check raises you can you get off it but you know what....it is a real shame it didnt come a jack on the river!

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Re: Brave and fearless or foolish and stupid? This was a pretty bad play because you are almost always going to get called. No one bluffs that board without some kind of draw at the very least, and you didn't have enough chips to force him off the draw. And of course, if he has something big, he's calling as well and you're drawing for your stack.

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