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Inside Poker: Best of British Freeroll Series


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Re: Inside Poker: Best of British Freeroll Series

where do i find the live support mate
Remember to tell them that you have a unique problem with the password not working.....emphasise that you're the only person in Britain with the problem! :cry Oh, and once again, remember to tell them the passord...don't forget the number at the end tho':ok TQM
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Re: Inside Poker: Best of British Freeroll Series

what number it only says the password 7 letter what number
There wasnt a number, just the 7 letter word but looks likes others had problems registering tonight. Think Steve got of the sarchastic side of the bed this morning.:tongue2
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Re: Inside Poker: Best of British Freeroll Series out ,,,rivered again by some bad play by big mal....oh well thats poker i suppose...still miffing at times Full Tilt Poker Game #10589461629: Inside Poker Best of British (77192922), Table 29 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:07:34 ET - 2009/02/12 Seat 1: bigmal71 (5,875) Seat 2: TheHealer2 (5,054) Seat 3: kahlen24 (1,991) Seat 4: Kevathallam (1,100), is sitting out Seat 5: frankeindad (1,475), is sitting out Seat 6: Snelsmore Wood (1,490) Seat 7: teaulcsg1 (3,890) Seat 8: inniitt (3,292) Seat 9: maxhemmett (5,922) maxhemmett posts the small blind of 60 bigmal71 posts the big blind of 120 The button is in seat #8 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulcsg1 [9c 9h] TheHealer2 calls 120 kahlen24 folds Kevathallam folds frankeindad folds frankeindad has returned Snelsmore Wood folds teaulcsg1 calls 120 inniitt folds maxhemmett folds bigmal71 raises to 540 TheHealer2 folds teaulcsg1 calls 420 *** FLOP *** [8h Js Th] bigmal71 bets 120 teaulcsg1 raises to 720 bigmal71 raises to 5,335, and is all in teaulcsg1 calls 2,630, and is all in bigmal71 shows [Kd Ad] teaulcsg1 shows [9c 9h] Uncalled bet of 1,985 returned to bigmal71 *** TURN *** [8h Js Th] [6d] *** RIVER *** [8h Js Th 6d] [Qc] bigmal71 shows a straight, Ace high teaulcsg1 shows a straight, Queen high bigmal71 wins the pot (7,960) with a straight, Ace high teaulcsg1 stands up bigmal71 stands up TheHealer2 stands up kahlen24 stands up Kevathallam stands up frankeindad stands up Snelsmore Wood stands up inniitt stands up maxhemmett stands up *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 7,960 | Rake 0 Board: [8h Js Th 6d Qc] Seat 1: bigmal71 (big blind) showed [Kd Ad] and won (7,960) with a straight, Ace high Seat 2: TheHealer2 folded before the Flop Seat 3: kahlen24 didn't bet (folded) Seat 4: Kevathallam didn't bet (folded) Seat 5: frankeindad didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: Snelsmore Wood didn't bet (folded) Seat 7: teaulcsg1 showed [9c 9h] and lost with a straight, Queen high Seat 8: inniitt (button) didn't bet (folded) Seat 9: maxhemmett (small blind) folded before the Flop

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Re: Inside Poker: Best of British Freeroll Series

He could prove it by telling us the 2nd word on page 52 ;)
He may of bought the mag, but if his FT acct isn't registered in UK or Ireland, then he wont get in. FT are Stars are the only sites I know off that have the facility to block players from different countries. Shame some of the other networks don't use this system, would solve a lot of the other freerolls from being overrun.
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Re: Inside Poker: Best of British Freeroll Series Out in 18th, was sitting pretty on 65k and then made a donkey call for most of my stack on an all heart board when I had a set of 5's, pushed the rest all in a few hands later with KQo and ofcourse ran in to AK :wall After playing my best game for 3 hours and looking solid I can't for the life of me understand why I made that call, it's so annoying that one lapse in concentration can ruin it all, really angry with myself but you can only live and learn I suppose. GL to the PL's still in though!:clap

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Re: Inside Poker: Best of British Freeroll Series

Out in 18th, was sitting pretty on 65k and then made a donkey call for most of my stack on an all heart board when I had a set of 5's, pushed the rest all in a few hands later with KQo and ofcourse ran in to AK :wall After playing my best game for 3 hours and looking solid I can't for the life of me understand why I made that call, it's so annoying that one lapse in concentration can ruin it all, really angry with myself but you can only live and learn I suppose. GL to the PL's still in though!:clap
i won that with hh
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