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d2n is this a call?


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Still new to these d2n games 3 get paid is this a call here for me it's all in poker at this stage so marginal hands obviosuly ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 468197748 ***** NL Texas Hold'em $11 Buy-in + $1.10 Entry Fee, Level:6 Blinds(100/200-(no ante)) - Friday, January 16, 16:12:04 GMT 2009 D2N Turbo NL Hold'em $12.10 #2563027 Table 1 6-max (Real Money) Seat 3 is the button Total number of active players : 5 Seat 1: Semmy ( 1,365 ) Seat 2: jopoker ( 655.75 ) Seat 3: SHIP 1T 2ME ( 1,535.50 ) Seat 5: MuckurShite ( 1,570 ) Seat 6: prugi ( 873.75 ) Tourney Level:6 Blinds(100/200-(no ante)) MuckurShite posts small blind [100] prugi posts big blind [200] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to MuckurShite [ Qd, Kc ] Semmy folds jopoker goes all-in jopoker raises to [655.75] SHIP 1T 2ME folds MuckurShite folds prugi folds Returning uncalled bet [455.75] to jopoker ** Hand Conclusion ** jopoker wins 500 from main pot ************ Game 468197748 ends ************

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Re: d2n is this a call?

Sorry this might be a dumb question but what do you mean when you say % equity?
There are 3 equal prizes up for grabs - the % equity is the proportion of a prize that your chips represent. (Using Independant Chip Model - ICM - maths) Another way of looking at it is that if you multiply the current equity you have by the value of a prize, then that is the value of your seat at the current moment in time (assuming no players have a skill edge and a few other assumptions...) So, this is an $11 + $1.10 buy in, presumably with prizes of $22. When you are eliminated from the tournament, your equity is 0% and your seat is worth 0%x$22=$0 When you win the tournament, your equity is 100% and your seat is worth 100%x$22=$22 At the start of the tournament, your equity is 50% and your seat is worth 50%x$22=$11 If your equity is 70% (as it is approximately if you fold) then your seat is worth 70%x$22=$15.40 If we break this down enough, then at the end the decision becomes, something like, do you want to fold and have a seat worth $15.72 or shove and have a seat worth $13.66. Then it's straightforward - do you want $15.72 or $13.66 - to get to that point though, some assumptions will have to be made about opponents ranges (to shove or call) - I'm hoping that I will be able to demonstrate this is a fold irrespective of opponents ranges so that we dont need to make any assumptions there - I dont know if it will be that clear cut :unsure
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Re: d2n is this a call? Final one - I'm ignoring split pot possibilities - they will add a lot of complexity, but have a fairly small impact on the result If you shove and the BB calls and the original shover wins, with the BB 2nd, then you have 43.7% equity: f_20090116Woom_f262053.gif

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Re: d2n is this a call? So complete summary: If you fold and the BB folds then you have 69.5% equity (your seat will be worth $15.29) If you fold and the BB calls and the BB wins then you have 74.4% equity (your seat will be worth $16.37) If you fold and the BB calls and the BB loses then you have 72% equity (your seat will be worth $15.84) If you shove and the BB folds and you lose then you have 51.1% equity (your seat will be worth $11.24) If you shove and the BB folds and you win then you have 91.7% equity (your seat will be worth $20.17) If you shove and the BB calls and you win then you have 100% equity (your seat will be worth $22) If you shove and the BB calls and the BB wins then you have 49.1% equity (your seat will be worth $10.80) If you shove and the BB calls and the original shover wins with you 2nd then you have 65.3% equity (your seat will be worth $14.37) If you shove and the BB calls and the original shover wins with you 2nd then you have 43.7% equity (your seat will be worth $9.61)

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Re: d2n is this a call? I'm not sure how I can do this without making some assumptions :unsure I'm going to assume that the original shover is making that play with any pair, any two broadway cards or any ace - which is 27.6% of hands. I will assume that the BB will call if you are in the hand with top 5% of hands (99+, AJs+, KQs, AK). If you fold, I will assume he will call with top 30%.

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Re: d2n is this a call? With these assumptions, total expectation if you fold is: 70% of the time the BB also folds and you have 69.5% equity = 70% x 69.5% expectation = 48.65% 30% of the time, the BB calls and will win about 48.1% of those. In this situation you have 74.4% equity = (30% x 48.1%) x 74.4% expectation = 10.74% 30% of the time, the BB calls and will lose about 51.9% of those. In this situation you have 72% equity = (30% x 51.9%) x 72% expectation = 11.21% So your total expectation if you fold, with these assumptions, is 48.65%+10.74%+11.21%=70.6% In other words, if you fold, you are left with a seat worth $15.53.

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Re: d2n is this a call? With these assumptions, total expectation if you shove is: 95% of the time the BB folds and 46% of the time you win the hand and you have 91.7% equity. Your expectation is therefore (95%x46%)x91.7% = 40.07% 95% of the time the BB folds and 54% of the time you lose the hand and you have 51.1% equity. Your expectation is therefore (95%x54%)x51.1% = 26.21% 5% of the time the BB calls and you win 24.5% of the time, leaving yourself with 100% equity. Your expectation is therefore (5%x24.5%)x100% = 1.23% 5% of the time the BB calls and the BB wins 48.2% of the time, leaving yourself with 49.1% equity. Your expectation is therefore (5%x48.2%)x49.1% = 1.18% 5% of the time the BB calls and the SB wins 27.4%. Of those you will be 2nd 31.6% of the time and 3rd 68.4% of the time. When you are 2nd, your expectation will be (5% x 27.4% x 31.6%) x 65.3% = 0.3% expectation When you are 3rd, your expectation will be (5% x 27.4% x 68.4%) x 43.7% = 0.4% expectation Your total expectation if you shove, with the assumed ranges is 40.07%+26.21%+1.23%+1.18%+0.3%+0.4%=69.39% In other words, if you shove, you are left with a seat worth $15.27.

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Re: d2n is this a call? This is a hell of a lot closer than I thought!! With the initial assumptions, folding leaves you with a seat worth $15.53 whilst shoving leaves you with a seat worth $15.27 - so it is a fold. However the assumptions were extremely quick and rough assumptions - change them and you can almost certainly change the result - so it comes down to what you know of the players and what kind of ranges you put them on from what you have seen during the game.

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Re: d2n is this a call?

Of course' date=' in a DoN, you have 15 seconds to mentally do those calculations :loon[/quote'] :lol:lol:lol:lol My initial thought, prior to reading GaF's thesis, was that I would fold, and that it was an obvious fold. However as GaF (despite assumptions as to others hands) points out it is far from clear cut.
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Re: d2n is this a call? This should be treated with a lot of caution - but you have a "perfect" answer here - http://www.holdemresources.net/hr/sngs/icmcalculator.html?action=calculate&bb=200&sb=100&ante=0&structure=0.33%2C0.33%2C0.33&s1=1365&s2=656&s3=1535&s4=1570&s5=874&s6=&s7=&s8=&s9= It assumes that everyone plays perfectly - if they dont, (i.e. ranges are wider or narrower) then it can change the solution dramatically - so to repeat - look at that link with total caution..... The "perfect" play is however that the short stack has shoved with a range of 29.1%, 22+ Ax+ K6s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QTo+ J9s+ T9s 98s. You should call with a range of 14.6%, 44+ A5s+ A8o+ KJs+ KQo The BB should call you both with a range of 2.6%, TT+ AKs So according to that, you should call :unsure

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