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Limping on the SB


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Deep stacked, I tend to limp from the SB with almost anything if there has been at least one caller before me. I reason that I'm getting 5-1 against someone who hasn't shown great strength and a random hand. The other day I doubled up when my 7,2 flopped a pair of 7's. Is this correct play or a bit reckless? Obviously, it requires that the BB is co-operative.

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Re: Limping on the SB I tend to do the same if there's a few limpers not with everthing like with 92 93 I won't other but will limp in the pot with most other hands. Same on the button although if it's folded to me I'm raising with 99% of hands.

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Re: Limping on the SB yeah i limp with anything in this situation:ok easy to fold if you miss and with great odds on the call (at least 6/1)it can be very profitable when you hit something decent. the real trick is to not get caught up in a big pot post flop in a marginal situation once you have called. so i'm always wary if i hit top pair bad kicker or mid pair good kicker.i tend to bet out 50-75% of the pot on the flop if i hit something like that,if i'm raised i fold if i get called then i'm a bit wary:unsure

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Re: Limping on the SB Early in a tourney it is fine and I agree with the others, is a tactic I will often use. It can also disguise a big hand well for later in the tournament. Only when the cost of completing becomes notable compared to my stack will I stop doing this, as you are probably in push or fold territory.

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