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How was 2008 for you?


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Last year's thread here. http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f63/2007-how-you-profit-loss-59973/ I expect to see a full breakdown of stakes/winnings/games played etc from those of you who promised to start tracking things properly. :tongue2 For me, I'm in the middle of typing up my little bits of paper onto the spreadsheet :spank so I'm not sure what my end figure is. Should be up, with the 2 lots of winnings from esport if not from my own skill. What I have found so far, from a trawl through my poker accounts to check my balances (and at least set up a 2009 spreadsheet), is I need to do some withdrawals as I've far too much lying around. Ignoring exchange rates (so £=$=€) I've more than 2k and I've only got about 25 poker accounts. :$

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Re: How was 2008 for you? I gota confess that I didn't keep track of my profit/loss last year however I deffo finished with more than £3k profit... could be a lot higher but I just don't know :spank I have already set up a spreadsheet to keep track of this years deposits/withdrawls and wins and I have attached it for anyone else who wants to use it. :ok Good Luck in 2009 guys :hope


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Re: How was 2008 for you? I was a good boy and kept a monthly record:moon. Played mainly low buy-in tourneys($5.00) had a good first 5 months and then ticked over for the remaining 7 months. Managed to finish the year without having a losing month:ok and finished with a profit of $4941.50 (probably what the mole pays in rake each session:tongue2)

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Re: How was 2008 for you? It has been great year for me. I trebled my money from 2007. My main goal was to qualify for big, live event, which I did and even cashed in :). MB is my only wallet and I withdrew to my bank nearly £9k. It was hard to progress and play bigger MTT's, as I hardly worked last year. I basically lived of poker. Somehow, I cant imagine, I will match all that this year :eyes.

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Re: How was 2008 for you? ******* ****:ok Didn't play much in the beginning, didn't play much in the middle. Definately didn't withdraw much. Ended a bit better, and started playing more MTTs at a bit higher buy ins. Didn't get close to my personal best, mainly due to not playing many games with a big enough prize pool. This year, it's going to be different:ok

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Re: How was 2008 for you? A better year than 2007 which i recorded a loss of $176.00 Not sure of my exact figures yet, but profit of about $500ish I think. Poker took a back seat for much of the year as I made a bit of cash from sports betting, started played DoNs in Nov which is going well 2009 is going to be a big year of profit I hope

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Re: How was 2008 for you? I was one of those people who said he would record his results:$. I have...kind of! I recorded my MTT winnings but not my P/L. 2007 saw about $700 profit and 5 tournament wins 2008 saw 17 tournament wins including my first $1000+ win, total winnings of about $6k at a rough profit of about $2.5K and first live cash at the PL WSOP. 2009 will see me take poker seriously, stop playing at less than optimal times (ie tired/drunk/tilting), and my aim is to win $10K:hope.

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Re: How was 2008 for you? Hmm... I checked my Neteller account. I had about 900 USD on neteller beginning 2008. My bankroll is a healthy 3k now. And according to Neteller history I've withdraw a bit over 4k USD from my neteller to my bankaccount and the Neteller debetcard during 2008 without depositing anything. So I make it about +6k profits in 2008. I started my first "real money" poker games when I opened and deposited cash on my neteller in june 2007 :loon

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Re: How was 2008 for you? 2008 was my first real year of mainly playing MTT's, Kept records at the beginning, then lost interest and forgot after a while. :$ My biggest aim of 2008 was to beat my personal best which at the time was something like $1400, then along came that cracking week way back in June in which i not only flew past my personal best but beat it again the very next night, ending that one week alone up $11k up. So probably for the year must be £7,8k up Will try to endevour and keep a record again :hope but probably wont last long ;)

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Re: How was 2008 for you? Tried to play cash at the start of the year, started well but then lost all my (cash) profit). Didn't really play much for the middle 6 months of the year due to house and exams. Then came along e-Sport and I was fortunate enough to be in the winning team... twice. :tongue2 So overall, another profitable year of $2382. Not bad for a hobby. :) Good luck for 2009. :hope

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Re: How was 2008 for you? My record keeping is excellent, I'm even recording in 3 different currenciesa with exchange rates and the lot :dude Plus monthly summaries on my Blog :ok ..... you lot should use yours more !! :eek Performance Cash Wise a little down on 2007 .... 2007 +$3140-88 2008 +$2521-83 But 2008 i was working away Monday-Friday for around 4 + months of the year, with no Internet Access (or extremley little). So I'm ok with $2.5k. Although there was no major variance just steady results. This year I'd like to win $5k, I aim to play more live games (some of the APAT, are ideal for my buy-in levels) and hope to satellite into a few bigger online tournies. I'd also like to win a trip somewhere - ideally to Vegas for the WSOP,(minor event or the main event) but even if its just Bolton for the GUKPT I'll not be too disappointed :D My cash game is still shite though :sad

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Re: How was 2008 for you? I keep a running total but did not include Melbourne in January in 2008 as I suspected it would be a bit of a 'one-off' and so it has proved to date. I did include the cost of all live game buyins and had five losing months during the year (actually 5 of the last 6 !) so half-expected an overall loss but managed a profit of $1553.56 (I still convert all my scores into US dollars). That would have been a bit healthier if I had abandoned all hope of returning to Melbourne a bit earlier than today :lol I never once made an annual profit backing horses so I have to be happy with my poker record thus far. :ok

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Re: How was 2008 for you? Made about $2500 in 2007 playing online and probably lost about a third of that playing live. This year (2008) I faired slightly better with a net profit of $3163.97 playing online and lost about $500 playing live. So an improvement on both fronts - New Years resolution is to actually make money in Vegas / Los Angeles / Tunica this year.

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Re: How was 2008 for you? After counting up my blog winnings and then the ones i havent added since October, im delighted to have won just over $20k Total winnings is $20022.50c Which was down to a £1700 win at dtd, a £1200 win at aspers and a £1300 package to scottish championships, along with numerous other wins and cashes. My best year yet!!! edit: i dunno how much ive spent playing poker, so this is just winnings not profit

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Re: How was 2008 for you? Mrs_ColU and I made a profit of £4,511.19. I don't keep separate records for each of us. Before Alan gets in and suggests that I contributed the £11.19, I will merely point out that my £1,770.39 ($3,500) on Everest in June was the highlight of the year. :tongue2

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Re: How was 2008 for you? My best year by a mile, improved my biggest cash from $400 to $3,500 and qualified for 3 live events. My crude records show 2007 Profit - $1,711 2008 Profit - $27,056 Obviously skewed by the AM package but even disregarding that an improvement that my wife's very happy with

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Re: How was 2008 for you? An interesting year for me. Under the moles guidence i put 25 euros into virgin on the 1st september and for the first time in my poker life gave cash a serious go. Started serving my apprenticeship at 5c/10c and am now at 12/25 or 25/50 if i'm running good. Peaked at 725 euros about a month ago but december was a stinker,dropping down to 424 euros to date. High hopes for cash in 2009 :hope Withdrew my $807 from pokerroom which started life as $40 and will deposit it in bluesquare to fund the coming APAT season. I'll play a bit of cash and some stt's to help fund it too. Hopefully i'll be typing a favourable report on that this time next year :ok

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Re: How was 2008 for you? One of my main aims of the year was to keep really good accurate records! That went very very badly. The main reason is because PokerOffice and Hold'EmManager are totally terrible at storing large amounts of data over a long period so they crash, often, and lose a lot of data. Used PO for first half of the year, but kept on crashing and losing data, HH etc. then used HEM for the second half or so and that turned out the same. Really annoying mainly because of all the HH and data gathered on other players is constantly lost. Made a few hundred from tournaments, mainly from 2nd place at the start of the year for $750. Made a nice amount on FTP cash played from April to November for about $10k playing mainly NL100 and then progressed to 200NL which was my main poker aim for the year. Not a great amount but more then enough for me for good times, a nice car and building the poker BR. Just like last year i won't say any specific poker money goals etc. as there's no need for extra pressure but generally it's just to make more of course! ;) Playing 200NL from virtually the start of the year i hope to make quite a bit. Safe to say 2008 was brilliant :D

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