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Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete


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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.81% complete Played for a couple of hours and it wasn't very eventful, was never stuck more than €9 and then finished up to watch the FA cup about €1 in profit. Support emailed me back and I am on target to get some rakeback so I might not play the same kind of volume I have been over the last few days. Bankroll: €451.49

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.81% complete Played a bit of hu sngs and had a losing session again. I'm going to give these a rest for a bit because I'm not enjoying them and I want to concentrate on getting to 25 buyins for €25NL because cash will get me to my target quicker than €3 or €5 hu sngs. Bankroll: €475.07

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.85% complete Played for 80 minutes today and won a touch over €30 and released another €5 that will be withdrawn along with rakeback on Saturday. I'm now at the stage where I could look to move up to €25NL. Maybe give myself 4 buyins and if I lose them then come back to €10NL. Does anyone have any thoughts? Bankroll: €511.60 :nana:nana:nana To withdraw: €5

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.85% complete I've just spent the last hour getting absolutely nailed on the €25NL tables. First 30 minutes went well and I was €40 up but then managed to lose that plus €100 more in the next hour. I have no idea what happened and I'm a little shell shocked. I can remember a couple of bad beats but I can also remember some horrible, horrible play. Back to €10NL tomorrow :sad Bankroll: €410.73 To withdraw: €5

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.85% complete I reverted to playing the way I was at the beginning of the benchmarking, trying to make big plays and bluff people out of pots its pretty obvious they have no intention of getting out of. I'll play €10NL until I hit €500 again, there are plenty of players to make money in the higher level, I just need to get a good start and not play like an idiot. On the bright side, still €75 up for the month, although it looks like my PT has missed off a big hand and says I only lost €75 in that session.

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.85% complete

Sorry to hear that :sad PT does miss some of the big hands (as I understand it, they're rejected because Boss writes the Hand History wrong) :unsure
It sucks but I'm taking comfort from the fact that a couple months ago I would have taken the rest of my bankroll to a €400NL game and risked the lot whereas it didn't even cross my mind today because I'm committed to what I am trying to do. I'll be back to €500 before too long and I've taken some lessons from today and I'll have a better stab at it next time.
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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.85% complete Played for a couple of hours today in a pretty swingy session. Was €19 down at one point, then got to €32 up and then quit €18 ahead when I ran QQ into KK. Also released another €5 of my deposit bonus. Bankroll: €439.63 To Withdraw: €10 I'm hoping to have another crack at €25NL before the end of March. I'll be breaking up for easter holidays and will have a lot of time to play and would ideally be pushing on a bit. Also, my PT trial runs out and I will most likely take the $55 I need to get the registration from my bankroll.

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 2.85% complete Those of you who have seen the thread I started in the staking section will know the company I work for are under threat and unfortunately they filed for bankruptcy sometime this afternoon. This means I have to withdraw all my bankroll and the rakeback I'll get back on Sunday. Bankroll: €0 :(

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete Played about 950 hands today and it was a session of misclicks. One was an all in on the river that cost me a buy in and the other was folding 99 preflop only for the flop to come 9 high and two guys go all in, both with hands i was crushing for a €30 pot and I was sitting on about €17 at the time. All in all both of them cost me about €30. All in all I finished €20.79 down. Cleared another €5 in deposit bonus too. Bankroll: €193.79

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete

Yes it was me on the table you quickly vacated :) I could not answer you as it is the only site I am chatbanned on !
Thats alright mate. I was the chatbanned thing under your name. Must take a lot considering some of the stuff I've seen on there. Thought it best to play it safe so I took off :)
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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete I thought it was quite mild the abuse I gave and he deserved it. Have seen far worse than my "a" word with several "f"s , and "c"s bandied about. Doubtful parentage is the norm as well as severe abuse of the software itself!

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete

I thought it was quite mild the abuse I gave and he deserved it. Have seen far worse than my "a" word with several "f"s ' date=' and "c"s bandied about. Doubtful parentage is the norm as well as severe abuse of the software itself![/quote'] Saw some pretty shocking stuff today, one guy going on about how he wished the Germans had got their way in WW2, very weird considering his location was Poland :eek Played for another 90 or so minutes today and won just over €9. I've managed to get through 2,000 hands in the last 3 sessions so I've hoping to get to 5-6,000 before Friday. Bankroll: €203.78
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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete A pretty devastating session, everywhere I looked I was being out flopped. Raised it up twice with QQ only to face an AKJ board on both occasions and couldn't find the door quick enough. Hit a set with my 66 only to find my opponent made 999 on the river (how he got there I have no idea). AA cracked by JJ all in preflop, JJ cracked by 1010 on the river after all the money had gotten in on a 9 high board. Top two pair given up when a card that fills flushes and straights hits the turn and someone shoves. Just a horrible session. Finished €24.57 down. Released another €5 bonus. Bankroll: €187.36

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete I've moved over to devilfish poker. Deposited €100 today and will deposit another €100 when my money from pokerkings hits my account. First impressions are good, software is nice and filtering games is a dream compared to pokerkings. Lots of action too, doubled up a couple of times early on but the action slowed down a little bit towards the end. Finished just over €25 up. Bankroll: €125.86

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete Pretty rubbish session. Had AA cracked twice for full buyins and again for about €5. Lost a 3 way €32 pot on the river when someone drawing for their flush with k4 hit a k on the river to beat my 1010 (other guy had second pair). All in all about €10 down for the day. Really want to be pushing on, fed up of coming on here with bad beat stories, not usually my thing. Bankroll: €204.85

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Re: Tomahawk's Poker Challenge: $50 to a house! 3.13% complete Lost another big multiway pot on the river, managed to get it all in on the turn with my set of 8's on a 10 high board with no made flushes or straights out. One guy calls with 56 looking for that elusive inside straight draw and the other guy calls with QQ. Hits Q on the river. Another €30+ pot slips away. Bankroll: €183.something

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