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William Hill trouble


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Alrite lads, anyone having trouble with William Hill at the moment. Just logged onto my account to play a poker game, my account is at 3 figures so got a bit of a fright when it said balance 0. I can't log into their new site as my anti-virus is saying it isn't safe. Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone know of a customer service number? Cheers Marty

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Re: William Hill trouble

Should be this number 0870 518 1715. :ok They've had a fair sized merger on their software in the last few days, more to do with the affiliate side but that's probably the cause. If you don't get a satisfactory answer, let me know and I'll get on their case. :ok
Apologies to anyone who wasted their time reading this, forgot I had been mucking about checking out their casino last night and my money must have been in transit between sports and casino as I hadn't actually cashed in my money for chips and the sports/poker and casino sections are separate. So my account is back to normal. Thanks for the support Paul :ok, bloody idiot I am :spank Incidentally not a big fan of their new site, seems slower than the other one which was easy to use and very fast, also my virus software doesn't let me in as it says the security certificate isn't safe. Apologies again.
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