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Re: Cardrunners I'm currently paying the monthly sub at deucescracked, it looks good, but I confess I'm hardly using it :$ Worth looking at for yourself - you can get a weeks trial free (and their videos are completely unprotected - you can just download everything you want....) Do you know that you can get cardrunners credit now though your play on Full Tilt? (no need to have used cardrunners affiliate link or anything, and it's in addition to any rakeback you get) - worth signing up for, even if you dont play on FT much - maybe one day you'll get a free month..... Would be interested by your thoughts once you've been at CR for a week or so :ok I also had 3 months "free" at pokerxfactor - didn't get into it much :sad but was far less impressed than I have been with what I've seen at deucescracked (though dc focus more on cash, while PXF focus more on tournaments, so there's a definite difference in focus...) I've also been interested by Daniel Negreanu's site - pokervt.com? "New boy" on the block for training site, but seems to be churning material out quite quickly and promises more of a loose, small ball, approach than the other coaching sites.... I think they had a free open weekend last month, but I missed it :sad

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Re: Cardrunners Ok, early impressions are that Cardrunners is only worth signing up for if you're a NLHE cash player, which fortunately I am. Like I said before, very impressed so far. What I've watched so far has really given me my enthusiasm for the game back, and I now realise that I've been playing on autopilot for a couple of years, and therefore not a) enjoyed the game like I used to b) not done as well as I should have. Haven't looked at any of the other sites, although one of December's poker mags (can't remember which one, but it's the one with Annie Duke on the front) has a review of all of them, and rates cardrunners the highest. Is the stuff on Negreanu's site all by him? Like the various viewpoints offered on Cardrunners, thinking just getting one perspective might not be worth paying for. I have to say, I was always sceptical of these training sites, thinking I could work everything out through experience, but my game has been slipping for a while now (along with NLHE games generally getting tougher), and early signs are good.

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