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Favour from Members of punters


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Hi Guys as you know I do a bit of work for Nutz.TV and I would like to ask a mega favour from you that are online at the moment. At 2pm today a Live stream test will be broadcast so if you are able to or have time to watch it and give me some feed back it would be appreciated.. There are No sponsors Banners so should not be a prob with Affils http://www.thenutz.tv/live/

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Re: Favour from Members of punters Clicked the link and got.

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php on line 346 Fatal error: mysql error: [1040: Too many connections] in CONNECT(localhost, '****', '****', thenutz_thenutz) in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/adodb/adodb-errorhandler.inc.php on line 77
I think your server is overloaded. :ok
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Re: Favour from Members of punters

well 2 blokes from up north on me screen
yep thats my complaint too - we want more cleavage (and not from two northern chaps :D), Seriously though, it worked fine for me and came through very smooth .... I'm using aol broadband, supposedly 8M but comes in at 4-5. Cheers
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Re: Favour from Members of punters

yeah looks like a press conference to me type thing to me... is there going to be any poker played? Also you say you've edited it.. how can you edit it if its live? Are you doing it on the fly?
Will be pure Live at major events up and down the country I will post details after conferring with the Admin here. The Live view will be entirely free to watch and the only Affil banner will be from the sponors of that event.. I will let you in on more when I am able
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