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Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers


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Re: Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers

Ok - next question then ;) from a purely mathematical ICM perspective - which hands could you shove with positive expectation?
that surely depends on chip stack to blinds ratio including position? :hope am a bit confused as this is a very open-ended question :unsure Damo
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Re: Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers

that surely depends on chip stack to blinds ratio including position? :hope
You have that information - I'm refering specifically to the last hand
am a bit confused as this is a very open-ended question :unsure Damo
Would it make more sense if I asked what range of hands you would call his (assumed) all in with? :$
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Re: Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers Damo - here's the output from SNGPT for the hand (and answer to the last question) If he shoves with any two cards, you can see that folding gives you equity of $1.44 (same as you have - but you listed payout as $1 instead of $2) and calling gives you equity of $1.24 (very very close to your number). We can also see that in the BB here, we can only put all our chips in with QQ, KK and AA if he shoves with any two. f_20081124SNGm_9016c45.gif

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Re: Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers

We can also see that in the BB here, we can only put all our chips in with QQ, KK and AA if he shoves with any two.
thanks GaF - thinking about it afterwards I thought you meant the 77 hand. Glad to see I was close with my assumption of what I would play against the raiser - Queens seems obvious, but part of me still wants to fold them....... This is a very good example of a +ev situation (;)), where the BB can only have 3 hands to call a shove. Perhaps ev is your next topic:ok Damo
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Re: Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers Can we use ICM here? Villians shoving range is huge, blinds are big and he is UTG Yes/No? Damo ***** Hand 1336382752 ***** 150.00/300.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 25 November 2008 22:21:46 Cooler (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: Taurus1985 (2620.00) Seat 2: Turbala (1295.00) Seat 3: asgr76 (2450.00) Seat 4: lomurrid10 (3090.00) Seat 5: Unknown (0.00) Seat 6: Unknown (0.00) Seat 7: robilaruk (2345.00) Seat 8: llunatic1 (610.00) Seat 9: Unknown (0.00) Seat 10: RINNERTJE7 (2590.00) RINNERTJE7 post SB 150.00 Taurus1985 post BB 300.00** Deal ** robilaruk [8c, 8d] *** Bet Round 1 *** Turbala All-in 1295.00 asgr76 Fold lomurrid10 Fold

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Re: Understanding ICM analysis in Coolers

Can we use ICM here?
Easy with holdemresources.net ;) http://www.holdemresources.net/hr/sngs/icmcalculator.html?action=calculate&bb=300&sb=150&ante=0&structure=0.2%2C0.2%2C0.2%2C0.2%2C0.2&s1=1295&s2=2450&s3=3090&s4=2345&s5=610&s6=2590&s7=2620&s8=&s9= Level: 150.0/300.0/0.0 Structure: 0.2/0.2/0.2/0.2/0.2 Players: 7 Runtime: 1490ms [300 Iterations]
  • Stack: Players stack before posting blinds.
  • Push%: Percentage of hands a player open-pushes.
  • EQPre: ICM equity before blinds.
  • EQPost: ICM equity after hand.
  • EQDiff: ICM equity change during hand.
UTG27.9%, 22+ A2s+ A7o+ A5o K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 97s+ 87s
UTG+11.8%, JJ+
UTG+20.5%, AA
CO0.5%, AA
BU0.5%, AA
SB0.5%, AA
BB0.5%, AA
UTG+22.1%, JJ+ AKs
CO0.5%, AA
BU0.9%, KK+
SB0.5%, AA
BB0.5%, AA
CO2.1%, JJ+ AKs
BU0.9%, KK+
SB0.5%, AA
BB0.5%, AA
BU12.4%, 55+ A8s+ A9o+ KJs+ KQo
SB4.2%, 99+ AQs+ AKo
BB7.1%, 88+ ATs+ AJo+
SB5.4%, 99+ AJs+ AQo+
BB0.5%, AA
BB9.0%, 77+ A9s+ ATo+ KQs
UTG+163.7%, AA 22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q8o+ J2s+ J8o+ T3s+ T7o+ 93s+ 97o+ 84s+ 86o+ 73s+ 75o+ 63s+ 65o 52s+ 54o 43s
UTG+20.5%, AA
CO0.5%, AA
BU0.5%, AA
SB0.5%, AA
BB0.5%, AA
CO0.5%, AA
BU0.5%, AA
SB0.5%, AA
BB0.5%, AA
BU27.8%, 33+ Ax+ K6s+ K9o+ Q9s+ QJo JTs
SB0.9%, KK+
BB0.9%, KK+
SB0.9%, KK+
BB0.5%, AA
BB0.9%, KK+
UTG+273.6%, AA 22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q4o+ J2s+ J7o+ T2s+ T6o+ 92s+ 96o+ 82s+ 85o+ 73s+ 75o+ 62s+ 64o+ 52s+ 54o 42s+
CO0.5%, AA
BU0.5%, AA
SB0.5%, AA
BB0.5%, AA
BU32.3%, 33+ Ax+ K4s+ K7o+ Q8s+ Q9o+ JTs
SB0.5%, AA
BB0.9%, KK+
SB0.5%, AA
BB0.5%, AA
BB0.9%, KK+
CO78.3%, 22+ Kx+ Q2s+ Q3o+ J2s+ J5o+ T2s+ T6o+ 92s+ 95o+ 82s+ 85o+ 72s+ 75o+ 62s+ 64o+ 52s+ 54o 42s+ 32s
BU34.7%, 33+ Ax+ K3s+ K6o+ Q8s+ Q9o+ J9s+ JTo
SB1.4%, QQ+
BB1.4%, QQ+
SB0.9%, KK+
BB0.5%, AA
BB1.4%, QQ+
BU24.6%, 22+ A2s+ A8o+ K7s+ KJo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 87s
SB37.6%, 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K6o+ Q6s+ Q9o+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 98s 87s
BB0.5%, AA
BB100.0%, Any two
SB100.0%, Any two
BB1.4%, QQ+
  • PU: Pushing Player. Applies when no other player entered the pot yet.
  • CA: Calling Player. Player pushes after another player (PU) is already in the pot.
  • OC: OverCalling Player. Player pushes after two other players (PU, CA) are already in the pot.

The villains shove range should be something like: 27.9%, 22+ A2s+ A7o+ A5o K6s+ KTo+ Q8s+ QTo+ J8s+ JTo T8s+ 97s+ 87s However your call range is pretty small: 2.1%, JJ+ AKs

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