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Oulton unban or not?

Sir Puntalot

Oulton unban or not?  

  1. 1.

    • Not a chance in hell!
    • Everyone deserves a second chance.......

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Re: Oulton unban or not?

Personally I think it's wrong to have this thread. You give the ability for a lot of people who mostly don't know the person, what he was banned for, what's gone on behind the scenes, etc. to have a say in what happens next. They cannot do that objectively without knowing the full story behind the ban. It's not fair to publicise the full story on a public forum like this. Therefore the decision to either allow him back or not should be taken by the mods only. They either know what's gone on, or, can discuss the details on a private forum. I, for one, trust them to make the right decision for the good of the forum. I don't know Oulton, don't remember reading his posts or playing him at the poker tables, therefore I should have no influence on the decision for his sake. I respect the idea behind the thread but I think if you want to open it up to the forum that you restrict it to those people who either know Oulton or know what happened. Did Rick Astley not get voted "Best Act of All Time" :sadthis week based on an internet poll? Proof that they can be fixed away from the correct decision.
I disagree. It was Big Andy's suggestion that members should get to vote on it and I agree with him. They were the majority who were abused, so they should have their say. If you don't know the situation or Oulton, then just don't have an opinion, it's for those that do. ;)
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Re: Oulton unban or not?

If you don't know the situation or Oulton' date=' then just don't have an opinion, it's for those that do. ;)[/quote'] That's what I was saying:D However you have people who not only voted on this, but also posted in this thread that also don't know the person or the situation - that's what wrong with a thread like this. You cannot/ are not preventing those who should not have an opinion from having one, expressing it and, most importantly, from influencing the outcome. PS I have you appreciate the punctuation!
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Re: Oulton unban or not? Somehow I missed this thread, and don't know if it's still open. Yes, Gaz behaved like a total ar5e online, and his typed abuse was WAY over the top, yet seemed liked a decent bloke face to face. If he's genuinely apologised, I say let him in, and give him another chance.

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