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Oulton unban or not?

Sir Puntalot

Oulton unban or not?  

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    • Not a chance in hell!
    • Everyone deserves a second chance.......

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Re: Oulton unban or not?

Why wouldn't he just sign up with a new username?:unsure
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol ... I am sure he will now....:notworthy On a serious note the fact that he asked nicely to come back rather than blowing up and creating an 'I hate PL... PL is the spawn of all evil' Youtube video is enough for him to be accepted back...
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Re: Oulton unban or not?

Why wouldn't he just sign up with a new username?:unsure
It is usually quite obvious when someone signs up with a new user name. It is very often the case that they will be banned under the new name when they are found it. Its amazing what different characteristics different people show with their posts and it soon becomes obvious.
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Re: Oulton unban or not?

It is usually quite obvious when someone signs up with a new user name. It is very often the case that they will be banned under the new name when they are found it. Its amazing what different characteristics different people show with their posts and it soon becomes obvious.
I don't agree, but anyway this guy only had 10 posts mostly in the contentious thread:unsure. OT anyway, I've read the thread but wasn't involved in the issue so won't vote.
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Re: Oulton unban or not?

What do you think he'll offer PL as a poker player?
That wasn't the original question (and you know my views on banning people ;)) But seeing as you ask I do not know him well enough to know if he is a forum contributor or he is just here to get greedy but lets face it we already have enough members who only appear for the value added games. I just know he is a good player and along with Hobbo an excellent player and Burrows (his mates) it may attract more decent players to the forum. I know its personal with you Paul and I may be different if it was Diane so with that in mind I'm 50/50 but airing on the side of what the heck :ok
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Re: Oulton unban or not?

It is usually quite obvious when someone signs up with a new user name. It is very often the case that they will be banned under the new name when they are found it. Its amazing what different characteristics different people show with their posts and it soon becomes obvious.
:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer:beer no idea what u mean staffy ;)
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Re: Oulton unban or not? I despise Oultons online (table) persona with a passion - it's unnecessary, totally uncalled for (though havent seen him on the tables recently), regular and seemingly pretty random. There can (and must) be no room for such "attitude" on PL. I remember after the Virgin Festival the reports back were that he was a decent enough bloke (so just a "keyboard warrier by the looks of it!). So I can go along with "Everyone deserves a second chance" (but never a third) if he has shown remorse and expressed a genuine desire to be a proper part of our community - however I think our expectations of his behaviour on PL should be sky high - if he repeats anything close to what he was like before, then he should be out very fast! On the poker side - I dont doubt his ability (based on consistant results) and if he is prepared to share with PL'rs could add a lot - especially as his approach seems very different to the status quo TAG that we "preach".

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Re: Oulton unban or not?

Plus he'd be spotted by his poker alias as soon as he played in any PL games. :ok
Definitely :ok It's extremely difficult to be a part of the poker community and keep yout alias "hidden". Reputation/history/stats also count for a lot, for example, on the staking side.
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Re: Oulton unban or not?

I'll leave the poll up for another day' date=' but I don't see it getting overturned on it's current results, so he should be back in by Sunday.[/quote'] Nice :ok Can I start a campaign for Ed and Diane now :D
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Re: Oulton unban or not? I know him well and as said above he is a decent guy. We all make mistakes so i vote give him another chance. If he spawns this one i will personally bitchslap him :). Although knowing Gareth he would probably like that :)

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Re: Oulton unban or not? ok i just voted no but what do i know not been here long but if in the past you got banned you stay banned is my take , and i dont take sides , i myself run 2 fourms an beem a mod on 6 or 7 so i know if a member as done wrong in past will wait a few weeks then start again

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Re: Oulton unban or not? Has he got something to offer Punterslounge?:unsure Why does he behave the way he does on the tables?:wall My vote is to keep the cnut out but I can see that's not going to happen.....anyway, it'll just be a matter of time before he get's banned again!! Welcome back Oulton!:cry:cry:cry TQM

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Re: Oulton unban or not? Personally I think it's wrong to have this thread. You give the ability for a lot of people who mostly don't know the person, what he was banned for, what's gone on behind the scenes, etc. to have a say in what happens next. They cannot do that objectively without knowing the full story behind the ban. It's not fair to publicise the full story on a public forum like this. Therefore the decision to either allow him back or not should be taken by the mods only. They either know what's gone on, or, can discuss the details on a private forum. I, for one, trust them to make the right decision for the good of the forum. I don't know Oulton, don't remember reading his posts or playing him at the poker tables, therefore I should have no influence on the decision for his sake. I respect the idea behind the thread but I think if you want to open it up to the forum that you restrict it to those people who either know Oulton or know what happened. Did Rick Astley not get voted "Best Act of All Time" :sadthis week based on an internet poll? Proof that they can be fixed away from the correct decision.

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Re: Oulton unban or not?

I say unto you' date=' there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.[/quote'] BTW just in case any of you may think I'm a Holy Joe, I am in fact agnostic. However I do think the Bible contains some wonderful quotations.
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Re: Oulton unban or not?

Personally I think it's wrong to have this thread. You give the ability for a lot of people who mostly don't know the person, what he was banned for, what's gone on behind the scenes, etc. to have a say in what happens next. They cannot do that objectively without knowing the full story behind the ban. It's not fair to publicise the full story on a public forum like this. Therefore the decision to either allow him back or not should be taken by the mods only. They either know what's gone on, or, can discuss the details on a private forum. I, for one, trust them to make the right decision for the good of the forum. I don't know Oulton, don't remember reading his posts or playing him at the poker tables, therefore I should have no influence on the decision for his sake. I respect the idea behind the thread but I think if you want to open it up to the forum that you restrict it to those people who either know Oulton or know what happened. Did Rick Astley not get voted "Best Act of All Time" :sadthis week based on an internet poll? Proof that they can be fixed away from the correct decision.
Good points DP. :ok
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Re: Oulton unban or not? What's the worst that can happen, he gets reinstated and abuses someone, if so a permanant ban is the answer. Either way no one dies so give him the benefit of the doubt. He is a good player and so are his mates, we want to encourage more good players on here therefore its worth taking the risk.

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Re: Oulton unban or not?

What's the worst that can happen' date=' he gets reinstated and abuses someone, if so a permanant ban is the answer. Either way no one dies so give him the benefit of the doubt. He is a good player and so are his mates, we want to encourage more good players on here therefore its worth taking the risk.[/quote'] whatchoo talkin about willis Ed is crap :lol
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