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Are you Nice or Nasty?


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Your playing in a sat with 5x $1000 packages. Theres 6 left in and you have 300,000 chips. A sit out is all in for a fraction of the 2000 ante the big blind is all in for 19,000. You are the small blind of 10,000 chips and have k/6 off suit do you complete the 9,000?

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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty? I guess I should but no I wouldn't ............................................. To answer the thread title and not the actual question I'm thinking of introducing a self-imposed chat ban on myself as I'm starting to get angrier when sat in front of my laptop than when sat behind a steering wheel !

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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty?

Your playing in a sat with 5x $1000 packages. Theres 6 left in and you have 300' date='000 chips. A sit out is all in for a fraction of the 2000 ante the big blind is all in for 19,000. You are the small blind of 10,000 chips and have k/6 off suit do you complete the 9,000?[/quote'] I am, I want my place and don't want to miss the chance of getting it. Have learnt the hard way about playing nicely and being a gentlemen and letting folks back in when they are sat out etc. I will not make that mistake again! Damo
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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty?

............................................. To answer the thread title and not the actual question I'm thinking of introducing a self-imposed chat ban on myself as I'm starting to get angrier when sat in front of my laptop than when sat behind a steering wheel !
Same here Runa. I always switch it off during cash and might have it on during the odd tournament or so. I find I get too involved in chat and it distracts me a lot especially when you have some loudmouth fecker.
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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty? Isn't the question about being kind to the BB rather than the sit-out??? If you take out the BB but lose to the sit-out then the BB pays the penalty and you allow a sit-out to qualify instead. You are going to qualify with your stack anyway...so why favour the sit-out by calling? So No, I would fold and allow the BB to stay in.

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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty? OK, good nights sleep and I'm over it. Dont think I've ever been running as bad(think I'm playing ok though) as I have over the last 4/5 weeks with the poker gods dealing me blow after blow. But missing out on a $1000 package to a sit out with less than an ante left takes the biscuit. After the small blind called I was 80% to go through as the "ante guy" needed to win the hand and the sb needed to beat me as well for me to go out. I had j/2 the sb had k/6 and the sitout had 10/8. the flop was 9 xx the turn an 7 and the river a 6 giving the sit out a straight to win the pot and the SB a pair to beat me. I have never felt so bad after a hand of poker ever. I did of course finish in the top 1% of a 600 runner tourney so I must be doing something right!

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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty? Answering the original question - I think the SB was sensible in calling, definitely from his pov. There's more chance of the sitout being eliminated if he is up against 2 opposing hands, rather than just yours. Theoretically, before the cards came down, it was to your advantage that he was in the hand too.

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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty? Unlucky, glceud. Very frustrating. But I'd have called. It's not about nice/nasty. I don't think I'm particularly vindictive or ungenerous, but it's not for me to be generous with somebody else's money. If I were in your position, I'd hope the big stack would call (and I'd hope the tiny stack got knocked out, of course!). Nothing would take the edge off the thrill of winning the package like knowing I'd only got it because somebody had soft-played me.

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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty?

Theoretically' date=' before the cards came down, it was to your advantage that he was in the hand too.[/quote'] To be honest I think that is what he thought too( so if your out there I dont really think you are what I called you:eek) This however was the most absurd situation of short stackedness ever and there was virtually no way he could recover from less than an ante without even being there. Cheers for the kind thoughts:ok
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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty? Mind you if you had qualified you'd now be looking forward to: 1. A weekend in London. :unsure 2. A weekend playing poker in the Loose Cannon - remember what WASP said about how much he didn't enjoy playing there. :puke 3. Supplementing the $440 PKR would give you to meet your travelling expenses, 3 nights in a London hotel, food at London's exhorbitant prices, etc. Maybe you won?

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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty?

Answering the original question - I think the SB was sensible in calling, definitely from his pov. There's more chance of the sitout being eliminated if he is up against 2 opposing hands, rather than just yours. Theoretically, before the cards came down, it was to your advantage that he was in the hand too.
Yes, I hadn't really thought this through, but if the tiny stack has more than one-sixth of an ante and is not UTG, don't you want the SB to call? If he does call, you have about an 83% (5 in 6) chance of qualifying (you qualify unless the tiny stack wins the hand and you come last). If he doesn't call, you have about a 50% chance of winning it on this hand. If you don't, then the tiny stack multiplies his stack by six, and so won't be all-in next hand unless that's when the blinds hit him or he started with less than a sixth of an ante. But the small blind puts you all-in, and you have less than a 50% chance of winning that hand. So in total you have less than a 75% chance of qualifying.
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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty? In my opinion any sites that allow a sitout who is allin to be involved in a hand, never mind win, are just not worth playing on. The cards should be mucked in the same way, that they would be if playing live, and the person was not at the table. By allowing the sit out to be involved in the hand, you have wonder what other basic rules of the game their software is not adhering to, maybe their not shuffling between hands, not burning cards, and only playing with a deck of 51. Unlucky glceud, your a victim of unfair play.

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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty?

By allowing the sit out to be involved in the hand, you have wonder what other basic rules of the game their software is not adhering to, maybe their not shuffling between hands, not burning cards, and only playing with a deck of 51.
Yeah! That's a worry! :lol
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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty?

By allowing the sit out to be involved in the hand, you have wonder what other basic rules of the game their software is not adhering to, maybe their not shuffling between hands, not burning cards, and only playing with a deck of 51. .
The Boss software does burn a card on each street. Hard to spot the shuffle but it could be very fast-they certainley never ask me to.cut the deck mind you. As for 51 cards its actually 53. I proved this when getting all the poker tracker users to admit they had pkt aces once evry 187 hands instead of once every 220+ as is probable. Once every 187 hands suggests 5 aces in the pack with the 5th one being chameleon in nature.
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Re: Are you Nice or Nasty?

In my opinion any sites that allow a sitout who is allin to be involved in a hand, never mind win, are just not worth playing on. The cards should be mucked in the same way, that they would be if playing live, and the person was not at the table. By allowing the sit out to be involved in the hand, you have wonder what other basic rules of the game their software is not adhering to, maybe their not shuffling between hands, not burning cards, and only playing with a deck of 51. Unlucky glceud, your a victim of unfair play.
Totally agree with this, so annoying where sit-outs can remain in the game for an age (esp freerolls), fold them out and lets get on with the game.
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