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Serial Limpers (Newbie Question)


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Just started playing a weekly game (Hold 'Em NL) with the same faces. Most are loose. I do OK, but have noticed that early on most of them like to limp in with almost anything, regardless of position, stack size. I put themon any Ace, any King, any 20 hand, any two suited, small pair and most any connectors. Twice in the big blind I faced five limpers and looked down at a hand like 7,5 or 9,6 so I checked. Huge sighs of relief all round. My question, Would you ty to steal the pot, and if so with what size of raise? Or should I wait till I have something that would be playable? Is so what range of hands would you play? I have a reputation as being tight. Thanks in anticipation,

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Re: Serial Limpers (Newbie Question) Firstly :welcome Secondly... this is a tough one for me to answer (you may not want to listen as I don't do well in these games) but I am almost 100% saying no... why I think is simply because all of the limpers you have (plus the fact they obviously dont know much about the game) means that your raise would have to be too large to be correct (and even if it is you can easily run into a monster and/or someone who hasn't a clue) my point is better to check it down and crush them in post flop play once you flop a monster... I know it seems tempting to take it down however:

  1. You are at the lowest blind level (maybe 2nd) is it really worth the effort?
  2. Too many people in the pot makes you too commited with junk when you are likely to be called by a number of "20 Hands"
  3. Against people without experience postflop is where the money is
  4. Say you raise 5x off of the BB If a player in early position calls then another for some reason all of a sudden you will have everyone calling because they have "Value" :rollin
  5. this play may be acceptable with higher blinds and probably at most 3/4 limpers (particularly well close to the money)

Probably missed a few obvious points but I am sure somebody else can point them out basically check it down untill you flop something special (be very wary of anything under top two pair) and crush them with value bets and nice raises inviting them to over play top top (or less :lol)... hope I have helped and good luck...:ok Edit: I will just add something it may be worth trying this one time and seeing the reaction (If you get called and show junk the worst that can happen is you shove with AK, QQ-AA next time)

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Re: Serial Limpers (Newbie Question)

Firstly :welcome Secondly... this is a tough one for me to answer (you may not want to listen as I don't do well in these games) but I am almost 100% saying no...
Thanks. It seems obvious now, but I am sure you are right. There are other considerations too, such as what if someone is limping after 3 callers with a decent hand such as 7,7. That would be a legit play in my opinion. I think that there will be plenty of other opportunities to beat these guys!
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Re: Serial Limpers (Newbie Question) As with Morlspin I'd like more info to be sure, but generally with fish a small raise just increases the size of the pot it does not reduce the number of runners! They always call, that's why they are fish! I find it better to wait till I have a made hand against them rather than trying to steal. I'd be very happy to limp along with them with 7,5 and 9,6 type hands out of the BB. Generally if you do keep your non blind hands starting requirements higher than theirs then overall you will find yourself in good situations against them with easier post flop decision's. I suggest you don't ruin your tight image by raising with trash at the lower levels, I'd keep that weapon for the later stages when it will be more valuable to you. Beware these weak players though they do limp with hands that more experienced players would be raising with so sometimes they will inadvertently catch you. Good luck with it. :ok

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Re: Serial Limpers (Newbie Question) Thanks for the great welcome and the replies, guys! There's plenty here for me to go on. I've not been playing long, but I should be able to crush these guys in a matter of weeks. They're style is very trappy, and they can't wait to get all their chips into the pot if they hit a half decent hand. It's frustrating having to lay down what could be the best hand sometimes, but it's important that I learn to do it. I'll let you know how I get on at the next game. Once again, thanks for the advice.

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Re: Serial Limpers (Newbie Question) If you're a decent player, this "small ball" style will suit you as you get to see lots of cheap flops. When you hit a made hand don't slowplay it bet it hard and you'll still probably get paid off. Just noticed Hen's post and basically we think the same.

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Re: Serial Limpers (Newbie Question) yeah get in cheap and try to outplayem,you can afford to lose a few bb at the low levels if you dont hit ,but you might double thru if you do. bear in mind that with more people you really need a bigger hand,so don't always expect your bottom 2 pair to be ahead:ok

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Re: Serial Limpers (Newbie Question)

I'll let you know how I get on at the next game.
Same story. I got to see about 80% of the flops from the BB, and won a decent pot with 2,5s. Finished 3rd and just out of the money in the tourney, but finished up in the cash game afterwards. Good advice guys!
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