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PL Omaha Hi/Lo Cash - SB play


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1st day of my Variant challenge. A hand that stood out for me. Any Omaha8 players, would like your thoughts. Sat down with $25, only 3 players. Between us we had cleaned out a few short stacks. Bumerangi - not much on him/her BONNYLASS555 - a regular on the tables. Tight and aggressive. ***** Hand History for Game 7424506028 ***** $25 USD PL Omaha Hi-Lo - Friday, October 03, 15:33:22 ET 2008 Table Table 137438 (No DP) (Real Money) Seat 3 is the button Total number of players : 3 Seat 2: Bumerangi ( $37.27 USD ) Seat 3: BONNYLASS555 ( $26.72 USD ) Seat 6: Uk_Finn ( $33.01 USD ) Uk_Finn posts small blind [$0.10 USD]. Bumerangi posts big blind [$0.25 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Uk_Finn [ Jd 3d Qd Ah ] Bonny folds. Over to the floor. What are you thinking ??

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Re: PL Omaha Hi/Lo Cash - SB play i would be pot betting+flat call any reraise. its a good hand with a lot of good outs so you really want a bit of a pot, but as your out of position you dont wanna go crazy. also by raising this should define his hand a little better,if you call he could reraise with junk or a hand . if you raise and get reraised then you can start putting him on more likely holdings and might save or help you in certain positions . ie theres a lo on board and you have the second nuts he might well have a2;). or it can help you to win bigger pots ,if say you are sure the other guy has a2 and you have a2+nut flush then you push as much as possible because its very hard for most opponents to fold a hand like this:ok this way the pot gets to just under $2 dollar max ,easy to fold on a bad flop but easier to build a pot post flop as the villan has some invested. also if the flop is tricky you can check call fairly cheaply till the river;) what happens next depends on the flop:loon

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Re: PL Omaha Hi/Lo Cash - SB play Ok, I thought definite raise with only BB left. Even if he comes back at me, I have a hand I can play with but the pot is still small enough to get away from if I dont get anywhere near the flop. So this is what happened next. Uk_Finn raises [$0.65 USD] Bumerangi raises [$2 USD] Uk_Finn calls [$1.50 USD] Like Uber, I think his re-raise defined his hand a bit for me. A2 is a possibility, but I also put big pairs (and a semi decent low) in the ranges of most players at this level. A hand like 3/4 10 10, even with no matching suits is not an uncommon hand. ** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, Td, 6s ] Not exactly hit it, but 2 reasonable draws - 2nd nut low and Q-High flush - whats your move ?

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Re: PL Omaha Hi/Lo Cash - SB play i think you have 2 options really. 1 check and maybe call a bet. dont really like this one as it gives you little info as he could bet with something or nothing,maybe best used vs weak opponents that may check. 2 bet half -75%pot and fold to a pot reraise if neccesary. although you are heads up and have draws you might be in deep trouble, a2 with 2 diamonds or overpair +diamonds is a very bad spot to be in here(could well be in his range)or there's plenty of other hands you could be in trouble against. with a ok sized bet it gives the opportunity for a the villan to fold if they haven't hit or reraise to an amount that makes it obvious that you dont really wanna continue(now you dont want a big pot as its likely you'll be on the wrong side of it ,if you end up all in;)). i usually play my big hands the same way ,so its hard for someone(observant) to pot bet me without a very good hand :ok

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Re: PL Omaha Hi/Lo Cash - SB play So I ruled out option 1 as it told me nothing about his hand. Plus I didnt want to let any free cards while we were short handed (my masterplan was to tighten up a little once the table filled ;)) But I wasn't sure about the size of the bet. Didnt like the pot sized bet as it made the pot too big too early. So with the pot at $4.50 (minus rake) ........ Uk_Finn bets [$2.50 USD] Bumerangi calls [$2.50 USD] This made me think one of 2 things; 1. Drawing with a hand that was better than mine at least 1 way - WAS NOT EVEN CONSIDERING BOTH :wall 2. Playing a hand that he didnt have the most amount of confidence in and was happy to see the next card with (high pair, 2 pair or trips) ** Dealing Turn ** [ Kc ]

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Re: PL Omaha Hi/Lo Cash - SB play nice turn :nana ,but again you dont wanna push but a check is dangerous as well. id bet $5 and see what he does,unless he has a set he probably wont pot bet you, any draw and he'll probably call . again you can guage some strength with this bet and you can also put in a big bet on the river if its good ,or get out down $10 instead of a lot:ok could get tricky if a lo diamond hits tho, u really want a high card:hope

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Re: PL Omaha Hi/Lo Cash - SB play

id bet $5 and see what he does,unless he has a set he probably wont pot bet you, any draw and he'll probably call .
Did you watch me play this hand :loon Uk_Finn bets [$4.50 USD] Bumerangi calls [$4.50 USD] As per Uber really, wont repeat but trying to see if he made his hand yet. ** Dealing River ** [ Kh ] Missed my draws :( Do I bluff the river ?
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