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What next?


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A wee hand from the $250,000 at Doyles room on Sat night. No hand history but something like this Player A sb 500- 12000 stack Player B bb 1000 -12000 stack Player c 2840 stack raise all in 2840 Player D 12000 stack fold Player e 12000 stack fold Player f 12000 stack call 2840 Player g 12000 stack call 2840 Player h 12000 stack fold Player i 12000 stack fold GLCEUD 12000 stack Ks/9s?? 2000 runners and about 35 away from the bubble which might explain why every one was playing very tight. What would you do?

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Re: What next? Well lets be honest the UTG player is doing this with any two cards, so we can assume we have him beat. Personally I would just fold and let the other two fight it out against the short stack. Your on the button, have chip lead at the table dont need to get involved. Despite getting short yourself in relation to blinds there reallt is no need to get involved. Calling is the worst thing you can do. The sicko's and sometimes myself too may squeeze all in here, if you think you the other two will fold. I would be amazed if you are winning but if you can get the other two players to fold then you are creating a massive price for your hand against the UTG who will playing ATC. You will be risking 2840 to win around 9k and almost double your stack in the process. At this stage of the tourney it is all about getting your chips in first and making the other players call for a race or call for their tourney life etc.

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Re: What next?

Personally I would just fold and let the other two fight it out against the short stack. Your on the button, have chip lead at the table dont need to get involved.
Al the stacks are pretty much the same at ths table barring the utg pusher. Forgot to mention, despite their size in relation to the blinds 12000 chips is pretty strong in relation to short stacks at other tables with regards to the approaching bubble.
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Re: What next? If I recall correctly, the bubble was at 340 runners and the minimum payout was $300. Also there didn't seem to be the usual 'slow down' as we approached the bubble. As GAF and Blatch have said, the squeeze play does give you great odds, but there is no guarentee that one of the other callers won't come along as well. Therefore, I pass, and wait for a better spot. $300 from what was effectively a freeroll is not a bad return :)......but I beleive you went even deeper :unsure

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Re: What next?

Also there didn't seem to be the usual 'slow down' as we approached the bubble.
I noticed that too and found it interesting. Its something I only ever do in satt's but it seems to happen all the time in our more normal buy in mtts. Thought it would be more likely here. Two reasons i dont do it- A. Your sticking a notice on your head saying "scared money" steal my blinds. B. your not giving yourself the chance to get chips to give yourself a chance of winning.
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Re: What next?

Al the stacks are pretty much the same at ths table barring the utg pusher. Forgot to mention, despite their size in relation to the blinds 12000 chips is pretty strong in relation to short stacks at other tables with regards to the approaching bubble.
With only 12 BB left in my stack im starting to get worried, but great if everyone else is around the same, eans your less likely to get called if you shove. Im gonna start shoving here when folded round if the level are quick.
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Re: What next?

Call leaves you 9000+ and still comfortable and position in this hand. No takers?
He has 12k and the bet is 2840, leave him just 9160 ish, and only 9 BB's that is far from comrtable. Out of every single flop that could come down what is going to happy with? I would guess about 2% of them. I would like to see a 9 high flop nor a K high flop as we could easily be introuble. Call for me is the worst play as will probably lead to spewing nearly 25% of our stack.
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Re: What next? O.K thanks for the input, time to get to the point. If it was me with the k/9s I would have clicked the auto fold button and gone back to reading my emails. However it wasnt (I had allready folded) it was this guy the sn8wman and he did make the squeeze play. The timing was brilliant for the following reasons. A.Neither of the limpers could have massive hands as surely they would have tried to isolate the all in. B.The stack sizes of the limpers meant if they called and lost they were out or as good as. C. The bubble was fast approaching and if he pulled this hand off he would have every one at the table well covered. D. After playing tight he does this and shows down a mediocre hand, no one at the table had a clue what he's at. E. Even if he lost the hand he would still have 9K which, while not super comfortable, was still well within the top 200. It looks bad in relation to the blinds but ther were some microscopic stacks out there. Any way he went on to hit the hand and completely destroy the table for the next 45 minutes untill the bubble burst. He built his stack up to 60k+ in that period and when I got knocked out in 75th he was a 180k chip leader (dont know how it finished but he cerainly gave himself a chance). Any one agree this was a brilliant play , or was he just a chancer who got lucky? Well done those who considered the squeeze even for a nano second:ok

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Re: What next? The squeeze was always an opton but this guy looks like an idiot when the first flat caller calls and flips over the bullets ;) It is a great +ev play so long as the first guy will fold, the second guy you dont have to worry about :)

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