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Bots on Full Tilt


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Re: Bots on Full Tilt Lol at the thought of nerds spending years to come up with a poker bot. If they spent time studying the game they'd: a) be able to make loads in the time it takes to make the bot and b) would actually be able to keep their winnings and avoid jail. GG :ok

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Re: Bots on Full Tilt The comments in the first link are hilarious: "Fellow developers who are more into the subject than I, scoffed at me when I mentioned these articles, declaring them as blogspam for affiliate dollars. After reading this part and it failing to progress anywhere near towards turning theory into code, I accept this could turn out to be a waste of time for all involved except the author, who may end the series prematurely when he can find no more poker history to pad with." "What a fascinating article! I've always wanted to code some accessory programs for online poker sites but I never really thought about it seriously until i read your series. Keep up the informative writing! I'm curious about your statement that PStars uses a logfile that you can pull data from. I've examined this file, and it doesn't appear that it reports any cards on the screen besides your own hole cards. Can anyone clue me in on what I should be looking at? :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol One of my pet projects has been to code a simple program that keeps track of other people's folded cards in stud. Screen scraping is absolutely abysmal for this application unless you do nothing on your computer except play poker." They can only create bots for limit holdem anyways, and to be blunt even phil laak beats limit holdem bots :tongue2

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