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Challenging my core beliefs - Part II - Position


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Re: Challenging my core beliefs - Part II - Position If you'd have said you win more OOP then on the BTN in a 6max game then it may have been something big, but HU i don't think it's enough to change 'core beliefs' though you'd expect to be winning more on the button. One thing that could come from it is you could try playing the same range of hands (top 25%) on the button as you do OOP and see what happens. Or maybe keep the same range on the button and just shut down if you don't hit when you face resistance on the flop.

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Re: Challenging my core beliefs - Part II - Position Yeah - I've no doubts that the button is more profitable in HU than the BB - I think that the challenge to my core beliefs is more one of degree. Over nearly 10,000 hands I've been 3 time more profitable from the BB than the button - I believe that my sample size is probably big enough that it's unlikely to be "variance", so the probability is that I'm making an error either in the way I play the BB, or (more likely) in the way I play the Button. I'm playing 62/60 from the button - should I tighten up a bit? Should I exercise more pot control (i.e. limp with more hands). Am I going wrong post flop? CBetting too often? They're the kind of questions I'm asking myself at the moment....

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Re: Challenging my core beliefs - Part II - Position

Yeah - I've no doubts that the button is more profitable in HU than the BB - I think that the challenge to my core beliefs is more one of degree. Over nearly 10,000 hands I've been 3 time more profitable from the BB than the button - I believe that my sample size is probably big enough that it's unlikely to be "variance", so the probability is that I'm making an error either in the way I play the BB, or (more likely) in the way I play the Button. I'm playing 62/60 from the button - should I tighten up a bit? Should I exercise more pot control (i.e. limp with more hands). Am I going wrong post flop? CBetting too often? They're the kind of questions I'm asking myself at the moment....
Well you've never liked your BB being stolen. :lol Maybe it's a case of trying to defend your BB as apposed to playing the button. :unsure
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Re: Challenging my core beliefs - Part II - Position I don't know exactly how you play so can just give blanket opinions. The problem with being too aggro, like 60/60 is your range is always really big so people just aren't going to give you credit so if you can't change it up post flop then people will trap aggrotards easily. But a good tighter player is able to use that tight image not only to make bluffs but get paid off when they have a hand too. I suppose a LAG is able to get more value bets paid off so ideally playing 60/60 you'd need to be a very good hand reader and ballsy to keep going insane aggro to make the bluffs profitable. So it's a lot easier to play TAGier and instead mix up limping and raising the button with both big and small hands, bet the river with big and small hands. What the hell i'm on about? No idea, just rambling :ok

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Re: Challenging my core beliefs - Part II - Position Hehe - that's all been bravado/image ;) - I actually seldom defend my BB at all, especially in cash!! Will dig out my "Fold BB to Steal" figure once my "Housekeeping" has finished - it will be pretty large!!

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Re: Challenging my core beliefs - Part II - Position

Will dig out my "Fold BB to Steal" figure once my "Housekeeping" has finished - it will be pretty large!!
58.51% - lower than I thought :loon but still pretty large?
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