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How to deal with agressive play and doubling up?

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hi guys ... this is my first new thread! i read this site so so so so often :D (since last week :p) and by reading this site, i came to see new strategies, new odds, new things ... i always had a particular 'love' for this strange game and i want to understand it! i had some experiences with poker too but i know a lotbout it (multitabling etc) but i see myself as a real table player in stead of someone who wants to make money out of it! besides soccer (etc) odds are se underrated in comparisson with poker ... uff ... coming back to basics ... i'd put 100 units ;) last week (play 200 units max every month i am a moderated gambler, some kind of interest i have let's say) and for the first time in one week i doubled up ... it started with 55 units i did put all in (had bad luck) and gained ... in the past i always did put small stacks on 'tough' games , with that in combo or even single you ALWAYS lose ... even with putting small stacks on 8.0 odd or so in the end gets you screwed up! lately i play a lot on over 2.5 - 2.5 goals and 'pretty' safe bets which has given me more 'play' ... from the 100 unites i went to 222 units in one week but i feel i might have just have had a 'lucky' week risking almost the 'all in' ... all in always works fine, unless the last time! whot do you suggest to do with this bankroll!? do i need to put on safe games single bet but more money, or just put medium rake (how much in% of bankroll) to put on combo's cuz losing it all is just any gambler's worst nightmare! sometimes for 'safe combo's' i put 30 / 40 units in but i can imagine you say it'stoo much cuz the sooner you lost it all! let's say im just worried that i dubbled up in one week and i am affraid to lose it all? whot do you suggest? cheers!

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Re: How to deal with agressive play and doubling up?

:welcome to PL elchillom!! I'd imagine this question best asked in the Poker section of the forum :ok
I think you misread a little mate... definately sports ;) In any case I can only say that I bet about 1.5% average bet on my stronger sports... 1% on those I feel are weaker... I would not say that this is definitely required. Personally I feel you shouldn't be limited to a certain type of bet, that being said if there is something specific that you know you are bad at picking by all means avoid it (that goes for leagues/teams as well). My bankroll management has never been great however I am starting to improve greatly in that area. I would suggest ranging your bets between 2%-5% of your bank (most bets would be 2%-3%) however in reality it is risk/reward the greater % you bet the more chance you will go broke. I have for the most part (Except for my main leagues) kept my staking static as i do not work on % of Bankroll however I started betting about 2%-3%... ... sorry for rambling... truly if you feel that some sort of system will help you keep discipline then sure go for it. However my personal preference is to explore most options (although be wary of stepping into unknown markets). Finally AH is always the best way to be with the lowest % to the bookie you can often find 100% AH markets through odds-comparison website I guess then this would be considered the safest option however be warned if you are using only one bookmaker do not just accept a price in all honesty to win I would say you require 4-5 good bookmakers to get most best prices of course the more the merrier. I would suggest looking around for best price If your price is lower either avoid temptation or lower your stakes for that match... good luck...:ok Edit: I always feel taking AH options on teams is often better than placing multi's... multi's can be good I myself do perhaps 1 a month (Did a few for CL group winners) but i don't particularly fancy them too much... If your really attached to them I would suggest not going above doubles...
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