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Dare you post your sharkscope stats?


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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

17942695tf6.jpg Something not right here...on the 2nd one how can my ROI be +ve when I'm $40 down...on the 3rd one I have lost all 4 games played so ROI -100% not -13%. So...how far can you trust the figures???
They are weird but it's av not actual ROI. I like the Official Poker Rankings (OPR) website. If you go on there and type in your screen name on the various sites you play they show a much more in depth breakdown. Though only for the main ones like stars/ft and party. I'm not sure if they cover the sites you play on. I've only been on Poker stars a short while and this is what it shows me. ]plopr1sq1.jpg . plopr2zp2.jpg
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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

They work out the ROI in a really strange (stupid) way..... It's the average of your ROI at each level, so for example if your stats are: $100 Buy in - 1000 Played - ROI 70% $1 Buy in - 1 Played - ROI (-100%) Then they will give your ROI as (-15%) :wall
I don't think what they do is quite that stupid, is it? I thought that they just averaged ROI in individual games (without weighting for buy-in), so that in your example, the "average ROI" would be (1000*70% -100%)/1001 = 69.83%. But if you played 100 games at $100 with a +20% ROI and 100 at $10 with a -25% ROI, then your "average ROI would be -2.5%, even though you'd have made $1750 profit.
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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

Username<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Games Played

Av. Profit

Av. Stake


Total Profit













Interesting, I haven't played for more than 6 months and it still has details on me.

Though not sure how accurate they are as I don't remember having a winning month from Aug 07- Feb 08 :sad:$:$:$



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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormNetworkFilter
BigWhopper 136$1 $17 0%$131 ->Betfairx
I have been up to $200 and down to -$150 during the afternoon yesterday.... however, who said playing drunk (I had 10 cans of lager during the evening!) and outwith your bankroll is always a bad idea!!!?!
GameIDDate (GMT)TypeEntryFeeEntrantsProfit
2257187 18-Oct-08 00:05 NL Holdem $252$23.75
2257110 18-Oct-08 00:00 NL Holdem $252$23.75
2257019 17-Oct-08 23:35 NL Holdem $102-$10.50
2256997 17-Oct-08 23:24 NL Holdem $1002$95 :clap
2256986 17-Oct-08 23:13 NL Holdem $252$23.75
2256779 17-Oct-08 23:05 NL Holdem $252$23.75
2256810 17-Oct-08 22:47 NL Holdem $252-$26.25
2256713 17-Oct-08 22:26 NL Holdem $502$47.50
I really should ban myself from the computer after drinking....... I also played in a couple of $75 games as well.
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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats? lol, between playing drunk, out of your bankroll and with semi martingale staking, your chances of avoiding going bust are precisely nil :tongue2 But well done anyway :ok (enjoy it while it lasts :tongue2)

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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

lol, between playing drunk, out of your bankroll and with semi martingale staking, your chances of avoiding going bust are precisely nil :tongue2 But well done anyway :ok (enjoy it while it lasts :tongue2)
lol, thanks mate!! :beer:beer:beer (Last night was a one off, I promise!)
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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

I did wonder what you were doing last night lol one minute I see you playing $25 h/u then see u sitting in $75s lol
Em, yes the demon :beer got me!! Although I did do one thing which I thought was sensible (!?). I played someone at $25 and beat him... he then sat down at a $100 table and I thought if I beat him once I can do it again :ok I wonder what I would have done if he sat down at a $1k table, as I do have the funds for that in my betfair account!!
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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

I might have to go round these 5 aliases and do everything I can do to turn them positive - can't be having my reputation tarnished like this :loon :tongue2 f_20080930Sham_599ef64.jpg
That's one fixed :) Been playing the Boss cooler STTs - really cannot believe how soft/easy these games are :loon (€3 and €5) - Building up slowly - just onto €10 now..... I'm 6 tabling :loon (there's no "end game" to play, so it's easier to play more tables) and totally crushing them :) f_20081024Sham_eeff2a0.gif
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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

really cannot believe how soft/easy these games are :loon (€3 and €5) - Building up slowly - just onto €10 now.....
Nothing like giving yourself the kiss of death :loon
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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

I might have to go round these 5 aliases and do everything I can do to turn them positive - can't be having my reputation tarnished like this :loon :tongue2 f_20080930Sham_599ef64.jpg
That's 3 of the 5 in profit now - 2 to go :ok f_20081027Sham_e864709.gif
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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats? I think I've lost confidence in the sharkscope stats :unsure I've been working on "fixing" my Party Poker stat tonight. I calculate what my balance needs to be to get my profit positive - basically my balance plus the loss .... every time I've made it though, I've returned to sharkscope and it's still showing a loss (even though the games I've played can be seen in "recent results"). I keep calculating a new target and I keep returneing and I've still not made it :unsure. "Only" $1 short at the moment, but I've smashed my original target :unsure

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

Actually' date=' I've just realised - there are loads of games missing - only my HU stts are showing - all the non HU are missing :unsure[/quote'] Sharkscope definately miss a fair few results, not sure why it happens but it does? :\ I have to post up my new boss results, I love being 'super hot'!!
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Re: Dare you post your sharkscope stats?

If anyone wants to feel good about themself, look at moumouth on pokerstars his graph is well, umm, you know eh, yeah........ don't really know what to say
:loon I googled him, and there's some stuff on 2+2 about him, including
lol he's a doctor in france and owns pharmaceutical companies. he is also a shareholder in one of the major modeling agencies. and i saw him say once his wife plays some too. he admits to being a losing player, but claims he didnt lose all of it
So though I doubt I'll be playing for that kind of money any time soon, I wouldn't feel too bad about winning from him ...
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