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Blind Cooler Prop Bet


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Re: Blind Cooler Prop Bet

Just watched the folding of AA...lol....got me wondering' date=' what would happen if someone thought you were playing soft or colluding etc how would Virgin view it???:unsure[/quote'] Well, I don't think folding AA preflop UTG+1 to a fold from UTG is a very effective way of colluding with anybody on the second hand of a tournament! :lol But I take your point, and I'd wondered about it too. If I folded aces to an all-in bet towards the end of the tournament, then that would look extremely dodgy! But I guess the existence of this thread would be a pretty good defence.
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Re: Blind Cooler Prop Bet RapidShare doesn't seem to want to take the video file at the moment. I'll try again later. I played one hand voluntarily that time. I also won one hand where I was big blind and the small blind limped and checked it down. It's a bit worrying when that happens playing blind: I'm hoping I don't have the absolute nuts or else the other players are going to get a bit pissed off that I didn't bet! :lol

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Re: Blind Cooler Prop Bet

Maybe the next incarnation of this (not that I've given up :tongue2) should be one where we need to play some poker and not fold our way through :tongue2 (Bitter? me? Never :tongue2) - maybe the 180 SnG on Pokerstars in true Annette style ;)
Oh ... I was going to suggest we tried this again at the €50 tables. :tongue2
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Re: Blind Cooler Prop Bet Well done slap - awesome display for 4/5, 80% (and the one you lost you were pretty unlucky iirc) So my current game is irrelevent now - not sure whether to stay blind :unsure - think I will cos I'll be pleased with myself if I can get 2/4 (dont think I'll play number 5 now ;) )

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Re: Blind Cooler Prop Bet :lol :lol :lol :lol What slap is referring to ;) There was a limp from cutoff (?) on slaps big blind everyone else folded ....slap checked, flop came down and cutoff went sit out - slap quickly whisked in a min bet.... My table that was looking so juicy early on is looking tougher now - still 8 in :loon (blinds up to 150/300) - a few steals though see me in 3rd place (1905 chips)

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Re: Blind Cooler Prop Bet Tempted to do the 5th game - how cool would it be if we could both be profitable Blind? :loon And I think it would send a great message to PLrs (not least of all ....... ME!!) not to get hung up on cards but instead to look at situations far far more (even at the €3 level) If I do play the 5th game (solely for amusement) I may skip the video this time though ;)

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