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Copa sudamericana 26.08-28-08

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Sao Paolo - Atletico P. HW or -1hc for HW first leg was 0-0 sao paolo is with good record on home 8-2-1 24-9 and atletico pr on road is 1-0-10 3-20 also they are on 16 place and fighting for relegation i see here clear HW with odds around 1.6-1.65

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Re: Copa sudamericana 26.08-28-08 Mexico tonight looks a lot more exciting, as in this Cup it is hard to say how serious the team's approach will be. Sao Paolo got the GAME coming on Sunday, and no matter how poor Santos are atm, this game is big. Anyway, hosts should have enough to see Paranaense off, but I wouldn't bother. Just a minimum stake bet on HT/FT - Atletico/Sao Paolo, which I doubled with some Mexican games - last weekend 3 games were full turnovers...........Botafogo away is always a potential Over, but again no idea how strong they will be.

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Re: Copa sudamericana 26.08-28-08 @ Xcout :) The point was that both games in Brazil for this Cup had a lot more ''unknowns'' than a regular round in Mexico. Since there wasn't a separate thread for Mexico, I simply suggested to concentrate in a different league. As the results showed last night, Sao Paolo wasn't a clear HW, Botafogo went way over 2,5 goals, please see above...Mexico also produced some surprises, but Santos Laguna was a good choice at those odds, far better than staking on Sao Paolo in a Cup they don't seem to be much bothered about. That, and only that was my suggestion with the post above, shame no one had the Mexican thread on. Regards

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Re: Copa sudamericana 26.08-28-08 only one away win for intenacional so far,against a very bad fluminense that time,but the missings for gremio are to many and intenacional has some players back

Inter decide contra o Grêmio classificação na Sul-Americana

Inter decided against Grêmio classification in South American


Está chegando a hora!

You are reaching the time!

Inter e Gêmio se enfrentam logo mais no clássico de número 372 na decisão por uma vaga na segunda fase da Sul-Americana.

Inter and if Gêmio face once more in the classic number 372 in the decision by a surge in the second round of South American.

O grupo colorado está concentrado na busca pela classificação e promete empenho total na casa do adversário.

The group colorado is concentrated in the search for classification and promises full commitment in the home of the opponent.

“Vai ser um jogo difícil, mas bem diferente do primeiro.

"Vai be a difficult game, but quite different from the first.

O Grêmio vai ter que sair para o jogo e nós poderemos aproveitar os contra-ataques, pois temos jogadores de velocidade na frente.

The Grêmio vai have to go to the game and we can take the counter-attacks because we have players of speed in front.

Vamos nos doar o máximo para ficar com a vaga”, projeta o goleiro Clemer, que fará sua 346ª partida pelo Inter.

Let's donate the maximum to stay with the vacancy, "the designs goalkeeper Clemer, who will make his first start at 346 Inter.

O time que iniciará o Gre-Nal foi encaminhado em um treino fechado realizado na manhã desta quarta-feira, mas a escalação deverá ser divulgada somente instantes antes do confronto.

The team that will start the Gre-Nal was routed in a closed training conducted on the morning of Wednesday, but the escalation should be disclosed only moments before the confrontation.

O certo, é que o técnico Tite terá à disposição o argentino D’Alessandro, recuperado das dores musculares.

The fact is that the technical Tite will have available to the Argentine D'Alessandro, recovered from muscle pain.

O meia-atacante Daniel Carvalho, que fez um trabalho especial de aprimoramento físico nos últimos 10 dias, volta a ser relacionado.

The half-striker Daniel Carvalho, who made a special work of improving physical in the last 10 days, returns to be related.

“Estou pronto para ajudar.

"I am ready to help.

Acredito que agora estou melhor preparado para voltar ao time”, avalia o jogador.

I believe that I am now better prepared to return to time ", assesses the player.

Daniel Carvalho em ação no primeiro Gre-Nal, no Beira-Rio

Daniel Carvalho in action in the first Gre-Nal, in Beira-Rio

A última vez que esteve em campo no Olímpico é lembrada com alegria por Daniel Carvalho.

The last time I was in the Olympic field is remembered with joy by Daniel Carvalho.

Foi na vitória de 2 a 1, de virada, no dia 9 de fevereiro de 2003, pelo Gauchão.

It was the victory of 2 to 1 in turn, on February 9, 2003, at Gauchão.

O meia-atacante marcou o gol da vitória que quebrou uma série de 13 jogos sem sucesso no clássico.

The half-attacker marked the goal of victory that broke a series of 13 games without success in the classic.

“É uma partida inesquecível.

"It's an unforgettable match.

Tomara que o resultado se repita, pois esta classificação será muito importante para nós”, ressalta.

Tomara that the result be repeated, because this classification is very important to us, "he says.

O grupo colorado concentrado para o clássico também ganhou o reforço de outros dois jogadores que estavam em processo de recuperação de lesão: o lateral Ricardo Lopes eo meia Andrezinho.

The group colorado concentrate for the classic also won the strengthening of two other players who were in the process of recovering from injury: the lateral Ricardo Lopes and half Andrezinho.

Outra novidade é a presença do zagueiro Álvaro entre os relacionados.

Also new is the presence of defender Alvaro among related.

Em contrapartida, Alex ainda sente dores musculares e foi vetado pelo departamento médico.

However, Alex still feel muscle pain and was vetoed by the medical department.

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Re: Copa sudamericana 26.08-28-08

according to latest info: -gremio is about to field reserve team in tonite´s clash! only two players from starting XI in the squad - Leo and Magrao. -intenacional in full strenght with missing injured Alex.
where did you find that,i cant open gremio site.
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Re: Copa sudamericana 26.08-28-08

@ Xcout :) The point was that both games in Brazil for this Cup had a lot more ''unknowns'' than a regular round in Mexico. Since there wasn't a separate thread for Mexico, I simply suggested to concentrate in a different league. As the results showed last night, Sao Paolo wasn't a clear HW, Botafogo went way over 2,5 goals, please see above...Mexico also produced some surprises, but Santos Laguna was a good choice at those odds, far better than staking on Sao Paolo in a Cup they don't seem to be much bothered about. That, and only that was my suggestion with the post above, shame no one had the Mexican thread on. Regards
Ah ok, now I get it. But I think you should have put a space between both ideas, in order to avoid mix up. Because you speak of Santos, and then I understand Santos of Brazil and then you continue speaking of Brazalian teams I get mixed up. Thanks for clarification, and you are right it had more value, altought I didn't risk it as Tecos UAG is making a great season.
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