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Boss Deep and Steep - BPP Focus Game Weds 27th - 10m DIVING


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Deep and Steep is NLHE freezeout with 5000 starting chips and 5 minute blinds. :loon Buy in is €5+0.50. It is Boss-wide, starting at 9.45pm, but normally only lasts about 2hrs. Hopefully as a lot of us will already be on Boss sites on Wednesday for Poker Kings, this will be something to do at the same time. When I've looked previously it's got just less than 200 in and paid top 10. However tonight's actually has 211 in and is paying 20. Please vote for your points in the daily diary and preferably also let me know which Boss site you're playing on so I can pick up your alias. :ok

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Re: Boss Deep and Steep - BPP Focus Game Weds 27th - 10m DIVING 158th I think. First I pot bet AJ on a J high flop, 2 spades, then turn was blank, pot bet and was called, then river was a K, checked down, the lad had chased a flush, missed, but hit a King. Then, few hands later, same person knocked me out when his solitary K hit 2 on the board to beat my pocket Queens. Heap o shait

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Re: Boss Deep and Steep - BPP Focus Game Weds 27th - 10m DIVING Yes, I didn't play many hands. Dipped my toe in a couple of cheap flops and didn't hit, but managed to double up when I did. Out last hand before the break in 58th. 4 still going I think. :hope

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