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An Appeal To ALL PLers from my Soapbox


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What bugs me about Poker strategy is the way the written 'spoken' word or phrase is taken. Thats the little thing in a post which a poster writes which, if they were in front of you wouldn't sound any where near as harsh as it does when its written down. To rake over old coals, Nade and WCISAFD took offense at what I considered to be a completely harmless comment from Mole...the thing is the players on here who have met Mole can almost visualise him saying what he posted and take it in the manner in which its said, rather than written, so even if it isn't meant as an insult it can be read as such. Poker Strategy suffers because even though we have a huge amount of talented players at all forms of poker, some people are reluctant to post their thoughts in strategy because they are scared of using the wrong phrase or being misunderstood and don't want to risk a flaming. Why can't we all agree that there is an unspoken respect between ALL PLers no matter what level they play at? That will allow people to use the 'spoken word' in their posts without fear of unnecessary flaming which overshadows the whole point of the thread. Maybe, if we agree to showing a bit of decorum in the forum people will be more willing to post. The only other way to solve this is to lock threads as soon as the insults start flying...and I for one think that really will be the death of Poker Strategy.

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Re: An Appeal To ALL PLers from my Soapbox Have said before i've no problem with the Mole apart from that 1 comment and i can imagine that comment being in humorous banter spirit in person but it didn't come across like that having never met him yet. FWIW i'm not sure a compromise can be made between the older and younger players on here because what i'm seeing over and over is the old guys grouping up coming out with all sorts of generalisations and misconceptions about how us young players think about the game and strategy in general and i doubt they'll change their views so i'm not going to discuss these things any more because it's dull and pointless.

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Re: An Appeal To ALL PLers from my Soapbox same principle applies here as text messaging - although you lot aint gonna be able to phone each other as you're playing! is it too difficult for people to initially expect people NOT to intentionally be insulting? If it sounds like a shitty comment, perhaps the other person is frustrated for whatever reason? hell, i dont care, it dont affect me :lol - personally i think they all mean to upset you!! :lol:lol

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