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Latter Stages Of STT Play


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Hey all, just wondering what your opinion is regarding this situation: I was playing a €25 5-man STT yesterday, and had a commanding chip advantage of approximately 5200-1300-1000. Blinds were still just 25/50. I am the Button and I have AKs.

  • Do you play this the same way as you would normally
  • Do you play it more aggressively knowing you have plenty chips to bully the others?

  • Do you leave it, not wanting to double either of the others up, and wait for the other 2 to tangle?

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Re: Latter Stages Of STT Play

Hey all, just wondering what your opinion is regarding this situation: I was playing a €25 5-man STT yesterday, and had a commanding chip advantage of approximately 5200-1300-1000. Blinds were still just 25/50. I am the Button and I have AKs.
  • Do you play this the same way as you would normally
  • Do you play it more aggressively knowing you have plenty chips to bully the others?

  • Do you leave it, not wanting to double either of the others up, and wait for the other 2 to tangle?

i would raise 4xbb and hope for a call/raise. i dont wanna scare anyone out really but i also dont wanna give an easy ride,if i get reraised im happy to push all in with a call or raise. i would be bullying but not neccesarily betting bigger,just more often:ok a lot of the time in this situation the other 2 will try to outlast each other and if you keep constant pressure up you can get nearly all the chips before you get hu,if not it could be only 2 to 1 on chips instead of a 5+to 1 advantage. you can aford to lose 1 big hand at this point and still be way in front of the shortstack so ther's no way i'm not gonna play ak. if you've already been aggresive then theres a good chance someone with ax will reraise you so a standard bet seems best to me.
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Re: Latter Stages Of STT Play Thanks for taking the time to reply Benn. I started like you would have - I raised to 175 - but then when the 1300 stack reraised all-in, I folded. Reasoning that I didn't want to double either of them up unnecessarily. I figured that he wouldn't have shoved without a hand and risked bubbling, when there was a shorter stack to him still there. However I did feel at the time that i had played it wrong, that's why I thought I would ask the opinion of others, well - other :)

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Re: Latter Stages Of STT Play

Thanks for taking the time to reply Benn. I started like you would have - I raised to 175 - but then when the 1300 stack reraised all-in, I folded. Reasoning that I didn't want to double either of them up unnecessarily. I figured that he wouldn't have shoved without a hand and risked bubbling, when there was a shorter stack to him still there. However I did feel at the time that i had played it wrong, that's why I thought I would ask the opinion of others, well - other :)
Depends how they are playing, if they're both trying to limp into the cash, you can chip away at them and reduce their overall chips. so when you go heads up you have an advantage. Risk is one of them kills the other, you go heads up with 66% vs 33% of total chips, they double through on you and you lose the thing. Happens a lot. In this situation ? Call. His pushing range could be very high
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Re: Latter Stages Of STT Play

I started like you would have - I raised to 175 - but then when the 1300 stack reraised all-in, I folded. Reasoning that I didn't want to double either of them up unnecessarily.
From a purely mathematical point of view you made a mistake by folding. You're pretty much 50-50 against any pair (except Kings or Aces), and a favourite against anything else. If I remember correctly he's about a 1 in 400 chance of having aces or kings since you already have one of each. You're being given odds of approximately 1.3 to 1 to call (pot is roughly 1550 [25+50+175+1300] and it's costing you 1175 [1300-125] to call). Being fairly conservative, fair odds to justify you making the call would be at worst evens. Even assuming you lose whenever he has kings or aces (which isn't the case, but it's too rare to be of significance anyway) you are still getting well above the odds necessary to make the call.
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Re: Latter Stages Of STT Play Yeah, cheers guys, I thought as I was pressing -fold- I was being too cautious, and you have just confirmed it for me. I was just looking at taking at say a 5000-2500 lead into heads up, rather than possibly losing that pot and going in with just a 4000-3500 lead, when really what I should have been thinking was "I'm in good shape here to take a 6500-1000 lead into HU".

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Latter Stages Of STT Play

Hey all, just wondering what your opinion is regarding this situation: I was playing a €25 5-man STT yesterday, and had a commanding chip advantage of approximately 5200-1300-1000. Blinds were still just 25/50. I am the Button and I have AKs.
  • Do you play this the same way as you would normally
  • Do you play it more aggressively knowing you have plenty chips to bully the others?

  • Do you leave it, not wanting to double either of the others up, and wait for the other 2 to tangle?

I would raise to 200 and call the AI shove from either of them. you still have plenty of chips is you call and lose and then the other guy starts to feel the pressure as he sees 2 big stacks, not just one. I would also raise to 200 with pretty much any two cards at this point unless either of them had shown any action towards shove reraising in which case my range would be narrower than A2C :lol By 'constantly' raising you hide you better hands when you get them and hope to bust one of them if they play back at you. Cheers Damo
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