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The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! - August08


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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! No, tried a plug in keyboard but wont work. I'm frantically trying to download all the poker sites I need tonight onto my laptop. :lol But I have managed to email the spreadsheet to myself using only my mouse so I've just downloaded it to my laptop. (must get one of those memory thingies). So I'll post the update in a sec.:ok

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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! OK Olympians, these are what I've got left on my list to try at the moment. Boss Deep and Steep $5+0.50, runs daily at 21.45, lasts about 2hrs. 5000 starting chips, 5 min blinds. Don't think this finishes toooooo late for a week day (around 23.45) but even so I'm not sure that anyone will want to start a tourney at that time. :unsure Boss Heads Up $10+1, daily at 21.30, lasts at least 2hrs. We've played this a few times before. If it gets a lot in, can go on quite late, so I had it pencilled in for a Fri/Sat. :unsure Laddies deepstack $4+0.40 $1k gtd, daily 19.30. 4000 chips, 15min blinds. Final tables around midnight so maybe another hr from then to end. Again, had this in for a Fri/Sat. :unsure Was looking round for a suitable HORSE game on PokerStars but can't find one at the right buy-in/time. However, I did find: 5 card Draw $1+0.10 at 19.30 PL Omaha $10+1 at 19.30 Stud $5+0.50 at 19.45 Triple Draw 2-7 $10+1 at 19.45 Razz $10+1 at 21.45 HORSE $3+0.30 at 22.45. Thinking of having a deviant sex-tuple chance night where you play as many as you want and I'll count your best score. :loon Will have to wait til I've more time next week though. :ok There is also a PL Omaha $10+1 on 32Red/Prima runs at 20.45. 1500 chips, 10 min blinds. Might be worth considering for those playing Omaha at PLWSOP. :unsure Any thoughts?

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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! Any of the ones i have left in sound good to me:ok

Boss Deep and Steep $5+0.50, runs daily at 21.45, lasts about 2hrs. 5000 starting chips, 5 min blinds. Don't think this finishes toooooo late for a week day (around 23.45) but even so I'm not sure that anyone will want to start a tourney at that time Laddies deepstack $4+0.40 $1k gtd, daily 19.30. 4000 chips, 15min blinds. Final tables around midnight so maybe another hr from then to end. Again, had this in for a Fri/Sat. :unsure Was looking round for a suitable HORSE game on PokerStars but can't find one at the right buy-in/time. However, I did find: PL Omaha $10+1 at 19.30 Triple Draw 2-7 $10+1 at 19.45 Razz $10+1 at 21.45 HORSE $3+0.30 at 22.45. Thinking of having a deviant sex-tuple chance night where you play as many as you want and I'll count your best score. :loon Will have to wait til I've more time next week though. :ok There is also a PL Omaha $10+1 on 32Red/Prima runs at 20.45. 1500 chips, 10 min blinds. Might be worth considering for those playing Omaha at PLWSOP. :unsure Any thoughts?
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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! Quick decision for Thursday - we'll have the Laddies deepstack. You'll probably all be out long before the final table anyway. :lol http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f17/ladbrokes-1k-guaranteed-high-stack-bpp-focus-game-thurs-21st-marathon-71710/#post1162471 I'm away this weekend, so will give you Sat/Sun off BPP. Friday night - can we decide on some sort of kinkyness? I won't have time to organise anything or supervise but should still be around to do the table.

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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! Current table is in post 1. We are in the cool down period now, but there should still be at least 6 event results to come so there is plenty of chance for anyone to grab the title. :D Tuesday's game details here: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f17/gnuf-one-dollar-baby-bpp-focus-game-tues-26th-discus-71964/#post1167091 Wednesday, I'm going to do the Deep and Steep on Boss, as there will be a lot of us playing on there anyway so hopefully the late start will fit in OK. It's also the last leg of the Poker Kings league so I will be allocating points for the Relay event. Not too late for anyone to join it that. In this relay you can still qualify even if you don't make it round all 4 stages with the baton. :tongue2

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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! Table updated after events 16 & 17 and the amendment to 15. :ok Nothing inspiring around for Thursday so I will leave it as a blank day and give you all chance to have a final push on the PokerKings STT challenge which finishes Midnight on Friday. Scores for finishing position in that will be added once Mr V has finalised his table. :ok Event 18 will be Freestyle Friday - there should be at least 6 variant games on Friday evening as options for you to play on PokerStars. Will put up tourney details for you to choose whichever you want and your best score of the night will count. (What have I got myself into with scoring here. :eyes) The only other game I'd picked which we've not done is the Boss Heads Up, so that's looking likely for Saturday, as it's a latish start and end. We're due to finish on Sunday, but I've no game in mind. Would be good to finish on something we could hit en masse.

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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics!

How about the stars game we used to play the 10+1 game that hen went deep in?
Yes, that's about the only thing I see in the diary - either the deepstack which starts around 5pm or the $100k. Trouble is, I believe they both go on very late so we might not get a result out of it on Sunday night. Another option is just to run a big private MTT, maybe on Prima. Be worth it if we could get 30 or so playing, but points would be a bit skimpy otherwise. I'm happy to do Stars if there's interest in either. After all, the Olympics does end with the Marathon. :ok Speak up peeps.......
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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! The 8:30pm Stars game is now $200k guaranteed, but usually gets just over 20,000 runners. It is the marathon to end all marathons, but gets to the money in just over 2 hours. One of those which you don't mind going deep in as the bigger prizes are very big, but a bit optimistic to think that you'll still be in much after midnight.

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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics!

The 8:30pm Stars game is now $200k guaranteed' date=' but usually gets just over 20,000 runners.[/quote'] :ok So there's the $10+1 deepstack starting 5pm, 5000 chips, 30min blinds, 15000 max. Or, the $10+1 Sunday $200k gtd starting 8.30pm, 3000 chips, 10min blinds, 25000 max. First one starts quite early in the day, though I suppose you could sit out for an hour (or more). Both will go on late, assuming we have anyone still in. ;) Actually, my main worry, is that the number of players may lead to an enormous BPP score which might stand out against the rest of the month's results. A win would net over 400 points, 100th over 200 points. But maybe, anyone who goes that deep deserves a mighty score which could make them BPP at one fell swoop. :ok Now, which one to pick. Hmmmmmm :\
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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics!

Event 18 will be Freestyle Friday - there should be at least 6 variant games on Friday evening as options for you to play on PokerStars. Will put up tourney details for you to choose whichever you want and your best score of the night will count. The only other game I'd picked which we've not done is the Boss Heads Up, so that's looking likely for Saturday, as it's a latish start and end.
Threads up. :ok http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f17/pokerstars-deviant-delights-bpp-focus-game-fri-29th-freestyle-swim-72085/ http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f17/boss-heads-up-bpp-focus-game-sat-30th-boxing-72090/
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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! Table is updated in post 1 up to Saturday's Heads Up Event. :ok The result of the STT challenge still needs adding in - just waiting for Mr V to verify the results. (I won't be waiting for PokerKings to do their verification.) Thread for our final game of this month is now up. http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f17/pokerstars-200k-gtd-bpp-focus-game-sun-31st-closing-ceremony-72134/#post1170819

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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! - August08 :drums :drums :drums :drums :drums Final table is up in post 1. :ok Congratulations to Guppie(BPP). :clap Convincing winner of the title in the end by over 100 points. A well fought battle for a lot of the month with Jumalix who ends up clear of the rest of the field in 2nd. :clap 90 of us have taken part in at least 1 focus game this month, with 365 games played between us altogether. Thank you all who have joined in. Hope you have enjoyed the Games of the First PL-Olympiad. :ok

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Re: The Return of BPP - The PL Poker Olympics! - August08 First of all well done H for organising everything so well:clap Thanks to everyone for the congrats:ok Samba no need for that mate just call me sir as normal;)

Proof that quality doesn't always come out over quantity,now i now you cant want a fish winning BPP 2 months in a row,so get in them focus games :lol
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