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Pocket Queens under the gun


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This was in a rebuy tournament. Is the next step an obvious one with it being a rebuy? When I play a rebuy, I budget for the buy-in, and an immediate rebuy, after which I play it like a freezeout, so would that make a difference to what you done next?... I had no info on _hAAj_ as he had just recently joined the table, but LoveVejle has made at least 3 rebuys that I could remember. ***** Hand 1172593932 ***** 50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 24 July 2008 22:50:20 7,500 GTD REBUY (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: _hAAj_ (4060.00) Seat 2: AGELIOFORO (2000.00) Seat 3: rondador (6965.00) Seat 4: puttypitty (4180.00) Seat 5: Hausly (2610.00) Seat 6: LoveVejle (6075.00) Seat 7: plSamba (4735.00) Seat 8: ralph75 (2455.00) Seat 9: kozarys (1730.00) Seat 10: Salva77 (7150.00) Hausly post SB 50.00 LoveVejle post BB 100.00 ** Deal ** _hAAj_ [N/A, N/A] AGELIOFORO [N/A, N/A] rondador [N/A, N/A] puttypitty [N/A, N/A] Hausly [N/A, N/A] LoveVejle [N/A, N/A] plSamba [Qh, Qc] ralph75 [N/A, N/A] kozarys [N/A, N/A] Salva77 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** plSamba Raise to 600.00 ralph75 Fold kozarys Fold Salva77 Fold _hAAj_ All-in 4060.00 AGELIOFORO Fold rondador Fold puttypitty Fold Hausly Fold LoveVejle All-in 6075.00 plSamba...

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Re: Pocket Queens under the gun If it was very close to the end of the rebuy period I might fold, but I doubt it. Think you have to be prepared to gamble with the third best staring hand in a rebuy as players starting hand requirements are far less than in a freezeout. You might only be even money to win it, but your getting over 3/1 to make the call in this pot. Some might argue that they would prefer to try and outplay their opponents later rather than commit to a coin flip, personally I'd prefer to out play them with a big stack than atempt it with a short stack.

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Re: Pocket Queens under the gun Auto call in the rebuy period. Many players suggest your chances are impaired if you're not playing a rebuy in the same way as most of the field. I not 100% sure, although I always play without a set number of rebuys allowed I do find that my better results come on those tourns where I'd not rebought or rebought just the once. Maybe in those tourns where I've had a good few rebuys it unsettles my play post rebuy section. Off the point slightly there but it's about samba's point about should he play it differently as he treats it like a rebuy - the answer is no as the other players ARE playing like a rebuy, so therefore your QQ will be good more times than if this were an ACTUAL F/O. How you're personally playing it is irrelevent to your opponents actions. Like I say, I wouldn't like it - but I'd call.

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Re: Pocket Queens under the gun this brings and up an interesting point that no one seems to know the right answer to. Ive read countless articles that contradict each other about how best to play a rebuy. Some suggest that you shouldnt play a rebuy unless you are willing/have the money to rebuy, whilst others say that your way (and my way) is best, doubling at the start and then not rebuying (although i will add on if it makes a big difference to my stack). Anyone got a sound strategy that they follow /sorry for thread hijack - i generally dont comment on tourny hands because i dont play tournies.

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Re: Pocket Queens under the gun

this brings and up an interesting point that no one seems to know the right answer to. Ive read countless articles that contradict each other about how best to play a rebuy. Some suggest that you shouldnt play a rebuy unless you are willing/have the money to rebuy, whilst others say that your way (and my way) is best, doubling at the start and then not rebuying (although i will add on if it makes a big difference to my stack). Anyone got a sound strategy that they follow /sorry for thread hijack - i generally dont comment on tourny hands because i dont play tournies.
How can you justify having set number of rebuys. Should it not be dependent on the value at your current table? Late in the rebuy period, the chips on your table to chips on other tables is another important factor. The worse case scenario is being on a tight table where no one has rebought, the players on this table are a definite disadvantage unless it breaks.
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Re: Pocket Queens under the gun

How can you justify having set number of rebuys. Should it not be dependent on the value at your current table? Late in the rebuy period, the chips on your table to chips on other tables is another important factor. The worse case scenario is being on a tight table where no one has rebought, the players on this table are a definite disadvantage unless it breaks.
I think generally this strategy applies to low stakes rebuys on the internet where at least half of any table you sit at are maniacs. I dont think im really qualified to talk about this as ive probably played
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Re: Pocket Queens under the gun

I think generally this strategy applies to low stakes rebuys on the internet where at least half of any table you sit at are maniacs. I dont think im really qualified to talk about this as ive probably played This theory is based on flooding the table with chips and therefore giving you more to win. Him being a better player he is thinking he has a great chance to accumalate a winning lead maybe. Almost like buying tonnes of chips. Trouble is, if you get moved before getting some of those chips you screwed. If you're playing live you can find out what table is about to break etc. Online you have no such info.
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Re: Pocket Queens under the gun

Auto call in the rebuy period. Many players suggest your chances are impaired if you're not playing a rebuy in the same way as most of the field. I not 100% sure, although I always play without a set number of rebuys allowed I do find that my better results come on those tourns where I'd not rebought or rebought just the once. Maybe in those tourns where I've had a good few rebuys it unsettles my play post rebuy section. Off the point slightly there but it's about samba's point about should he play it differently as he treats it like a rebuy - the answer is no as the other players ARE playing like a rebuy, so therefore your QQ will be good more times than if this were an ACTUAL F/O. How you're personally playing it is irrelevent to your opponents actions.
strangely enough i probably play tighter in the first hour of a rebuy(unless it's omaha)than i do in a f/o . i tend to play only big hands aq ,ak, 10s-aces but play them hard when i get em,no stealing or bluffing at all just abc poker:ok like you say most people seem to play the "its a rebuy lets just keep pushing strategy"so your a lot more likely to get paid off. most of these players also seem to pay absolutely no attention to the rest of their table,so you playing tight probably won't even cross their mind when you reraise them;) i think it all goes back to playing the opposite of the majority of your table. if they are aggressive play tight,if they are tight play aggressive :okalways seems to work when the opposition are very one dimensional. i try to aim at getting to 3x the starting stack by the end of the rebuy period and take the add on. you might be a long way behind the chip leader at this point but you have easily enough not to be in trouble vs the blinds and also a big enough stack to put you well in with the leaders if you double through. you would expect to get 4 or 5 decent hands in the first hour and if you can double through 2 of those you should be somewhere near the target:hope if it all goes wrong i dont mind rebuying but i also seem to do best when i rebuy only once or less:ok the good thing is after the rebuys end some of the crazies are still around and carry on playing like loons:loonso again even then there are good opportunity to get chips that are less likely in a f/o . so really you dont need a huge stack as things can change quickly. i'd definately be calling with the qs btw ,you might be up against an overpair but you could be up against anything really:unsureits a good time to take a chance and the treble up would really set u up.
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