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Home Game 1st August


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Re: Home Game 1st August

would love to come along to meet everyone and start playing poker on a table but i'm getting married on the 2nd so i think misses wont be happy if i'm late for that
slippery slope, put your foot down, start as you mean to carry on ;) slightly more seriously, good luck with the preparations and on the day :ok
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Re: Home Game 1st August

Eric Just realised the 1st is a Friday, dumb me, still hope to attend but affects my plans. Can you confirm this is a goer as the interest seems to be somewhat lacking.:ok
Yes mate, it's still on unless everyone cancels.
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Re: Home Game 1st August many thanks to Eric and Jackie for their hospitality once again,another great night especially for me with a 2nd (got rivered by Kevsul) and a 1st place in the 2nd game.... we played £10 buy in and £5 bounty,me and Kev split bounties in the 1st game but i was in the zone in the 2nd taking all the bounties :dude:dude..... hand of the night was between Kevsul all in with A/J (1 a Heart) and getting called instantly by Eric with A/K, Kev flops all Hearts,turn a black card and the river kicks in with another Heart to knock Eric out :loon, always said live poker is fixed ;). looking forward to the next one :ok

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Re: Home Game 1st August :lol:lol:lol @ Uber Eric and Jackie, Thanks for a great evening I thoroughly enjoyed myself. hand of the night was between Kevsul all in with A/J (1 a Heart) and getting called instantly by Eric with A/K, Kev flops all Hearts,turn a black card and the river kicks in with another Heart to knock Eric out Also what about the one I said these cards are the best and Al had AJ, I said to Benn lets just see what would happen I had 5-3 flop A-2-5 Rag on turn and an Ace on river. Now that would have been bad if i called:lol:lol Had to let Al win the 2nd game as I had his Q5 suited with my A5 suited dominating him, But did not want to beat him twice, Can't have him ranting on every poker forum;) Once again thank you to Eric and Jackie. BTW Pocketlady you are right, it is the first thing offered as you arrive;)

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