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Chess wins!! - Inside Poker Magazine Sun City Freeroll with PokerTime - 29/7


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Re: Chess wins!! - Inside Poker Magazine Sun City Freeroll with PokerTime - 29/7 Ste, Tried to call you but getting 'it's not been possible......' The trip is from 1st sept to 8th sept, main event on 4th. I won the June roll and Liam won the May one, believe it or not, we've still not got the flight details!!!! The only thing we know is that we are all flying from London but don't know which airport/times etc. Alun from the mag is working hard to try to find out the details but I think the site are dragging their feet. Let me know when your phones working. My email is [email protected]. Colin

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Re: Chess wins!! - Inside Poker Magazine Sun City Freeroll with PokerTime - 29/7

hi chaps i have qualified too! does anyone know any flight details etc how long we will be in sun city etc ?????? someone call me on ************** ste clarke
Ste I have edited your post to remove your mobile number - trust me we have some right weirdo's on here :lol:lol I see someone has already tried ringing you so hopefully they have your number written down, any problems drop us an email at [email protected] and we will pass your details on :ok :welcome to PL by the way and congratulations :ok
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