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Philossify through to Day 3 of Main Event!


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Re: Philossify through to Day 3 of Main Event! Unlucky Phil but well played :clap:clap

Major difference is the pro's are happy to play loose aggressive on day 1 and accumulate stack or go out rather than try my tactic of tight aggressive which everyone spots and refuses to double you up cheaply.
I think you hit the nail on the head here :ok Myself, Runa and Avon witnessed Justin Bonomo shove a huge stack in on day 1 with a nut flush draw against Kara Scott she had trips and then improved to quads :loon. He had no real reason to do this he had already accumulated a big stack but I guess if he had won that hand he would have been very dangerous for the rest of the tourney.
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Re: Philossify through to Day 3 of Main Event!

If I'd had enough chips (like 100K) then I would have definitely been playing very tight until the money stage ... but with blinds and antes I reckon I wouldn't have lasted until 1000th place. (day started with 1307 and money started at 666th) Experience though was magic :ok - and in general I'm convinced that the general level of play is about the same as PL games. Major difference is the pro's are happy to play loose aggressive on day 1 and accumulate stack or go out rather than try my tactic of tight aggressive which everyone spots and refuses to double you up cheaply. Now for some shopping. :ok and drinking :cheers:cheers and some poker games where I pay to play :hope:hope:hope .
well done phil:clap:clapat least you went out fighting mate:ok think your spot on regarding the standard of play etc,the $1500 was very similar with people playing some pretty marginal holdings early on to get a stack together.even if you do have to play tight early a few double ups can see you quite a long way and with a little more luck on day3 who knows what might of happened:unsure i think that if you can pick up a decent run of cards early you can do some serious damage. i see no reason why most plers would struggle to compete in the wsop and i think it's only a matter of time till someone hits a really big cash in an event like this;)
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