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any two cards? live hand from binions classic


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right this hand is from the $200 binions classic in vegas. i'm not gonna put the cards up for the moment as i'd like to see how many other people would make a decision based on the situation not their hand. i never look at my cards till its my turn to act so i can make a more objective and decisive decision once i do. i think this is a classic situation where its a any 2 card push:unsure but it would be nice to see other peoples thoughts. situation 60 players of 150 are left .starting stacks were 6k 30 min levels,top 14 get paid. blinds 500/1000 antes 100 (blinds up in 5 minutes) you are short stack with around 5.5k and are sat in the bb. sb is the other short stack with around 6.5k and the rest of the table is around 12-20k. so far the table has been pretty aggressive and both you and the sb have been playing very tag(mainly due to the utter crap you've been dealt:\) for once the table folds round to the sb who flat calls after some thought. he does seem like a fairly weak player and it seems unlikely he is slo playing a big hand. would you be pushing all in with any two cards in this situation?(maybe with the exception of actually picking up a monster hand;))

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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic I would say 90% of the time yeah automatic push. Especially if you dont think it will fold round to you on the Button or close. if your called. Hey ho but at some point you have to make a stance. Your too far away from the money to wait for good hands. Risk it now and give yourself a chance.

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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic I would be very suspicious of the call from the SB, would expect him to shove or fold. the only situation i can see him only calling is if he has a big hand and wants you to come over the top of him. I,m intrigued to find out what happened.

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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

I would be very suspicious of the call from the SB, would expect him to shove or fold. the only situation i can see him only calling is if he has a big hand and wants you to come over the top of him. I,m intrigued to find out what happened.
i would be normally:ok a lot of the players in vegas are pretty easy to read if they are of the holidaymaker variety,this guy seemed to be straight down the line with very little in the way of moves ,so he was going into that bracket;). it is a intriguing hand,the reason i've put it up is although i'm still pretty sure i did the correct thing, what happens next has made me unsure:unsure
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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic if he hasnt been raising you before and flat calling each time an easy shove imo, you need the chips if your gonna make the money so at some time soon you got to move,better there than not

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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

I'd not be pushing any 2 - your only a double through to get back to table average. If there an aggressive lot you more likely to get a better chance by biding your time.
but its only the SB so if your pushing to steal the blinds and the SB is passive it is worth it,it gives you another round at least to hit a decent hand and nowt lost
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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

i'd probably look at my hand and that would determine whether or not i push! If it is 10J or better then yes I'm pushing' date=' however if its raggy then I'd probably just wait and see a free flop! :ok[/quote'] the thing with this is you will have then lost a blind rather than gained a blind,,, i am guessing Ben that he called with small pair ie: 44 or 55 to your what 9/6 suited??
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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

but its only the SB so if your pushing to steal the blinds and the SB is passive it is worth it' date='it gives you another round at least to hit a decent hand and nowt lost[/quote'] I'd rather push my SB against the BB than push against a limp from the SB.
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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

the thing with this is you will have then lost a blind rather than gained a blind,,, i am guessing Ben that he called with small pair ie: 44 or 55 to your what 9/6 suited??
true but he may hit on the flop and get paid off or worse case scenario he misses the flop he still has enough chips for at least one more round and to pick up a good hand and steal the blinds then! did you look at your cards before you pushed ben? :unsure
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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

the thing with this is you will have then lost a blind rather than gained a blind,,, i am guessing Ben that he called with small pair ie: 44 or 55 to your what 9/6 suited??
not just blinds, theres 1000 of antes as well which is what made the push even more tempting.
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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic Just another thing too..... if this player is the 'tourist' type then he is likely to think 'WTF, i may aswell call, dbl up or bust' as he is also small stacked! He may even think he is ahead if he has a marginal hand as he knows you'll probably be pushing with any two!!

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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

true but he may hit on the flop and get paid off or worse case scenario he misses the flop he still has enough chips for at least one more round and to pick up a good hand and steal the blinds then! did you look at your cards before you pushed ben? :unsure
yeah, but i went with my gut feel anyway;)
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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

Just another thing too..... if this player is the 'tourist' type then he is likely to think 'WTF, i may aswell call, dbl up or bust' as he is also small stacked! He may even think he is ahead if he has a marginal hand as he knows you'll probably be pushing with any two!!
there was that worry yes:ok but id take a call from overcards etc to get him to fold 50%of the time,i just dont want to be dominated or up against an overpair in this situation.also i was hopeing my solid image would work in my favour as well.
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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic okay ,by now its obvious what i did;)but i'm still not telling what i had:) instead lets see who would call my all in from his position:loon i was pretty correct on my read and the sb was holding q8os:ok so i've given him the tricky decision. so its 4.5k into a 7.5k pot. you have 5.5k left, so its pretty make or break. as i said i had been playing very tag and hadn't shown down a hand on that table and played only a couple of hands in 2 hours. for me the play here seems very borderline :unsure,which is why i posted it on one hand i could be pushing any two(which i was)and q8 could be ahead or behind+pot odds look good on the other i had been tight and could be protecting a good but not made hand that could have you in big trouble. so do you call?

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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic You would either fold or shove with the q8 you can't call. If I was in the bb with q8 and the sb shoved I want odds of 2/1 or better to make the call in most circumstances.

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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

if you push all-in I would fold the Q-8' date=' the SB missed his chance by not being the aggressor, I can probably guess what happened though:tongue2[/quote'] oh yeah ,but i dont mind that:tongue2 i was sort of kicking myself because of reasons that will become more obvious later,but on the other hand i think i played it pretty well :unsure this was why i posted it ,and posted it without my cards,coz it may effect peoples views on the push;)
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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic right now for my cards:loon as i said i'd already made my mind up to push any 2 cards ,but when i looked i nearly fell of my seat:lol. i had a real monster 2 7 but sooooted in clubs:nana i did think about checking it through but the pot was to big to let go easily and i really didn't think i'd get a call ,so i pushed. obviously he called and hit a queen on the flop leaving me drawing dead :\. this hand was bothering me a bit as i sort of wondered whether i may have checked say 7-3 and just got silly because of the 7-2(even though i had decided before looking):tongue2 however i did also feel like i played it well and maybe his call was on the loose side:unsure. after seeing everybodys responses i'm pretty happy that it was a good move(but maybe more so against good opposition like u lot:tongue2) and even tho he called, my odds were not 2 bad at around 40%. maybe the only thing that i should have taken more into consideration was my read on the player:spank it ended up being pretty dead on ,but as geordie gaz said because its that sort of player(very recreational)maybe he'll get bored etc and call:unsure that's one thing i didn't take into account:\ if he can make one bad play by flat calling then why not another by risking his tourney with the all in call:loon instead of thinking most players will fold here, i should have been thinking will HE fold;) still it did cheer morls up to hear i went out on a 7_2 push:lol

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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic Was this the tourney where I walked 20 mins in the searing heat to meet you at the MGM and then wait around for half an hour ringing you and morls and then walked back to the luxor in the searing heat, assuming you lot are in bed, only to find you are already at Binions and the tourney has started :lol Was it that one?

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Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

Was this the tourney where I walked 20 mins in the searing heat to meet you at the MGM and then wait around for half an hour ringing you and morls and then walked back to the luxor in the searing heat, assuming you lot are in bed, only to find you are already at Binions and the tourney has started :lol Was it that one?
blame morls and his hotel,42nd floor and i couldn't get a signal:spank
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