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PL'ers in Vegas Summer 2008

Sir Puntalot

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Been here since the 30th now, got a HUGE sunburn yesterday playing golf with Uber, Morls, GeordieGaz and Dave, with Dave being the winner! :loon We need to get a PL drink sorted before some of us leave, as I think Morls, Gaz and Ben leave on the 5th? So, where do we fancy all meeting up?:loon

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Re: PL'ers in Vegas Summer 2008 Where ever you want is fine with me - somewhere towards centre of strip - make it today if poss as I'm busy allday on the 4th (hopefully) - though that might mean runa and helen may be somewhat jet-lagged. Will pm you with my phone details.

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Re: PL'ers in Vegas Summer 2008

Help! my phone doesnt work.
These don't work over here Ed oldmobilephones002bi0.jpg You need to be on Triband at least. PM your hotel and room number and we'll leave a message for you. Paul anytime you want to meet just let me know, got a few things planned but wtf we're in Vegas
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Re: PL'ers in Vegas Summer 2008 :sad:sad:sad:sad Gutted that I missed the PL drink... was playing a big stack tourney on Ceasars - kept staying in :loon When the long dinner break came I rushed to Planet Hollywood to find you guys - but you were all gone :cry:cry:cry Anyway - I cashed in the tourney... $ 300 buyin and 535 runners :nana ... btw... I feckin love Vegas... this is my 3rd time there - but I didn't love it as much as I do now... probably because the poker has expanded so much and you can find loads of great tournies to play :loon

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Re: PL'ers in Vegas Summer 2008 Hi Pene, I missed thePL boozeup but caught a few of the others at Pure during the dinner break for day 1 (you think I was gonna miss a free drink even if it did involve a trip from the Rio to the Strip :lol). You ought to get into the main event :spank- your good play and table presence would do well. Best way to get in is probably through pokerstars - guy in the lounge here just made $80K by getting put onto the feature table .... make a resolution to be here next year!!!!! Must admit that the f'in weather this time of year wouldn't make me choose Vegas as a holiday location - give me Winter when you can walk the streets (the words of a true poker ho) without frizzling your brain :rollin

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Re: PL'ers in Vegas Summer 2008 It was good to meet up with everyone (except for the ignorant ones) :ok I got home Wednesday night and have spent today vegging. Wierd trip this time as I never played a tourney (mainly due to morls project management skills) played and made plenty of $$$$$$$'s on the cash tables though but blew most of that in Rhino's on the last night :eyes Roll on the next one... I reckon November ish, who's in ???

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Re: PL'ers in Vegas Summer 2008

It was good to meet up with everyone (except for the ignorant ones) :ok I got home Wednesday night and have spent today vegging. Wierd trip this time as I never played a tourney (mainly due to morls project management skills) played and made plenty of $$$$$$$'s on the cash tables though but blew most of that in Rhino's on the last night :eyes Roll on the next one... I reckon November ish, who's in ???
:lol:lol:lol The money you did in Rhinos you could have brought about 5-6 high class hookers as well :cry Yeah was good to meet up with everybody again and a few new faces that I hadnt met before, dont remember anything after hitting that blondies bar at any point, $10 all you can drink what do you expect to happen:eek Roll on next time........:cow
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Re: PL'ers in Vegas Summer 2008 That was a crazy time in Vegas, getting that hummer (sp?) limo to the baseball ground was funny as fcuk and only $80 for all of us!?!?! :loon :loon Me and Dave on the blackjack tables with some dealer called Oscar. Everytime he gave us good cards we'd be giving it "Good Job Bob" and I'm sure he was convinced his name was Bob at end of the night! :rollin :rollin Got sunburned to fcuk on the 9 hole golf, forgot suncream. :$ Didn't finish last though! :nana and I launched it over the water without a splosh! :eek :eek I love Vegas more and more everytime I go, currently in Honolulu, but got 16 hours in Vegas to come before Virgin flight back to Gatwick (Monday), then on to Copenhagen. Pene's on about going for the new year, I'll get the piggy bank out and see if there's enough shillings in there. :nana

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Re: PL'ers in Vegas Summer 2008 Well i never managed to get a report in and im still trying to come to terms with being back home, what an amazing place!! was great to meet up with a lot of PL guys who i have never met before. lost my phone on my first day there which caused me to be a bit isolated ( sorry Brian). My first night there i played a 5/10 cash game and won around 9k so freerolled the rest of my holiday. Main event - my preparation was not great for day 1 drinking untill 5.30 am but i felt i dominated my table 30 mins in i had 50k, i then got moved to a much tougher table but still managed to get to 70k then i hit a few bad beats as well as falling asleep at the table and ended the day at 21k. Day 2 was really card dead so tried to make a few moves that didnt work ended up really low and moved in with j9 before the blinds got me the turn brought me a straight but the other guy had Aj and a higher straight so that was that. Spent quite a bit of time with James eccles ( eck on blonde) who managed to finish 516 for 25k so that was great for him. I went to rail him late on, on day 3 but couldnt get near his table the Tikay appeared and gave me his press badge so i could get into the player zone and have a few words with eck to keep his spirits up, nice guy that tikay :) overall i had an amazing time and won a lot of $$$$ easy cash there, would have been good to spend a bit more time with you guys as it all seemed to pass so quick.

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