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OLD , Guidelines for posting betting Systems

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These guidelines are no longer used and have been replaced as of September 2006

Guidelines for posting betting systems.

When posting a betting system please use these guidelines. The purpose is to provide a minimal structure, making threads for betting systems readable and reliable for everyone. 1. Top post must contain following info: - Betting System description, a description of the betting system, preferably including all details on bet selection and staking. If you wish to keep the details private that is fine then simply state so and give a general description of the system so people have an idea. Note that the idea of a system thread is to share information about a chosen betting strategy. This implies the author needs to share more than just selections. - Clearly state if the system is a 'real life' system or a 'paper trail' system. Real life means you think the system is ready to be used with real money, paper trail means you are still testing and proofing and you do not recommend putting money on the system yet. - At what frequency you intend to update the system results. It will be most appreciated to provide an update of the systems results every time you post the results of placed bets, if this is not possible please state the frequency of the update, for example weekly, end of the weekend. 2. All bet selections must be posted before the event. Obviously. And it will be much appreciated if the bet selections are posted sufficient time before the event to allow others to follow the system and place bets themselves. 3. All bet selections must be posted in such a way that all relevant info is present at the time of posting. This includes things as : bet description, date/time of the event, selection and opponent, odds, stake, bookie/exchange... 4. Absolutely no editing is allowed on posts containing bet selections. If you made a mistake add another post with the correction or ask one of the mods to do the edit for you. 5. System result must contain as a minimal: Current bank , Profit|or|Loss , Yield These results should be posted as a running overview of the system for as long as its been running. It will be appreciated to write the system result with the full info : Starting bank Current bank Total staked Number of bets Winning bets Losing bets Strike rate Yield Profit|or|Loss When calculating system results take into account costs like commission. Results are calculated like this : Strike rate = Winning bets / Total bets ( written as a percentage ) Yield = Profit|or|Loss / Total staked ( written as a percentage ) It is also recommended to use a 100 point starting bank. This is most easy to relate to for most people and allows better for comparisons to be made.

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