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Virgin Festival Dusk til Dawn Interforum Challenge - PL Needs You!


Virgin Festival Dusk til Dawn Interforum Challenge - PL Needs You!  

  1. 1.

    • Yes please, although I may have had a drink or two
    • Yes please, I will definitely be sober
    • No thanks, it is past my bedtime
    • Possibly/Maybe, ask me on the night

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Hi The Virgin Poker Festival Nottingham is almost here & we are planning our second VPF Forum Challenge. We would like to thank the participating forum webmasters for getting back to the Virgin Poker Team in a prompt manner. The following forums will participate in this event: aworldofpoker.com, eatmystack, livepubpokerleague, Punterslounge, ladiesinpoker & blondepoker. The Forum Challenge will take the following format
  • 2:15 am kick off (very late we know!)
  • £20 Buyin + Juice
Prize – 500€ online Freeroll for winning forum Rules
  • 6 Forum Teams
  • 8 players per team
  • 5 STT Tables - 3 10 seaters tables + two nine seater tables
  • Each Table will give money to the winning player
  • Each Player will contribute to
  • STT Structure will be announced at VPF Nottingham
  • The forum team with the most amount of points

In order to make the event run as smoothly as possible, we would like you to consider:-

  • Using players who have been knocked out of day 1 VPF – players in the tournament may be tired and participating in the forum challenge may affect their chances in day 2 .
  • Please make sure that your players are aware of this tournament, - We do realise it is a late kick off
  • Please register your Team beforehand with a Virgin Games Team Member

Best Regards Ted Menmuir

The honour of the Punters Lounge 'Live' team is at stake again. The previous challenge at Newcastle was a competitive but fun event, but this time we need to win it! The challenge will take place after the end of Day 1, so around 2am Sat/Sun morning. I'm sure there will be plenty of you still standing at that time. :loon As in Newcastle, I suggest we finalise the team on the night but can you indicate now in the poll if you might like to play so we have a starting list to choose from. You do not have to be playing in the main event to be in the PL team. :ok
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Re: Virgin Festival Dusk til Dawn Interforum Challenge - PL Needs You! More than happy to represent PL, but more than happy to give up my seat to more experienced poker players ... or more established PLers (nothing to do with them being better than me, of course :tongue2)

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Re: Virgin Festival Dusk til Dawn Interforum Challenge - PL Needs You! With all the excitement of Mad Duke's win I forgot to report back on the 2nd most important event of the night. Most PLers were keen to play for the team so the selection process was mainly those that hadn't played last time and (initially) a one per family rule! On a scale of inebriation from 1 (sober) -10 (not at all sober/millbet) we had approximately no players in category 1 and 8 in category 9-10. :lol Team was McG junior, Steve Hall, Washman, Rivrd, Hen, McG (sub at the last second for Rosco who was still in his STT game), Millbet (sub for runadrum who was too sober), and John488 (Dave). :ok Unfortunately we had 2 go out first so were facing an uphill task from the start. (I will leave them to own up if they want and if they can remember!) Top performers and also in the money were rivrd in 3rd and hen and millbet who were both 2nd. :clap Final positions were 1st EMS 55 points 2nd Blonde 47 3rd AWOP 44 4th PL 39 5th LPPL 36 6th LIP 34 Thanks to all who played and to washy for the team round of drinks thanks to his storming success on the cash tables. :clap All games were played in a great spirit and was a thoroughly enjoyable event so big thanks to Virgin and DTD too.

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Re: Virgin Festival Dusk til Dawn Interforum Challenge - PL Needs You! Well i know John488 was one of those out first.:eyes He must be a bit of muppet for sure;), hopefully he has learnt his lesson and next time his alter ego Dave488 plays, much better chance of success.:ok

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Re: Virgin Festival Dusk til Dawn Interforum Challenge - PL Needs You! yeh i think it was me out first:$ now theres a suprise perhaps ill leave it to the pros like hen:lol:lol:lol:lol who instead of playing poker was concentarting more on pulling 1eggsters other half :lol:lol:lol:lol

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