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I'm taking a break from Poker


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Re: I'm taking a break from Poker It makes me quite teary reading this thread. :cry It's going to take some very hard work from at least 10 other mods to try to cover what GaF's been doing around here. :notworthy We are really going to miss you, but the mods are going to do our best to make sure all the good work carries on and that PL still paaaaaaartys without you. :ok I guess we might still bump into you around the tables occasionally so get chance to keep in touch. What I really want to know is when you come back to PL, will you re-register under a new name, and if so, how long will it take us to work out it's you. :lol Have a great time doing whatever you're going to be doing, or not doing. :D can't believe no-one started a prop bet thread yet on how many days away it will be.

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Re: I'm taking a break from Poker

What I really want to know is when you come back to PL, will you re-register under a new name, and if so, how long will it take us to work out it's you. :lol
The name Striiiiiiiing will give him away H. :tongue2 but seriously have a well earned break GaF? hope that you catch up with your other work and get to enjoy some good poker wins. :hope See you back here soon. :ok
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Re: I'm taking a break from Poker Trev, i dont think any amount of words can say how much everyone on here appreciates the work you do on PL. So ill keep it simple and say WTF you doing, dont be stupid, you met a woman or summat. Anyway enjoy your well earned break.

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Re: I'm taking a break from Poker I do not log in for a while and this is what I come back to :sad Seriously, enjoy the break. We all need it sometimes ... so long as you come back :ok As a newbie to the forum (and poker to some extent) you've been a great help and a pleasure to see at the tables. So I hope to see GAF on the screen again soon :dude

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Re: I'm taking a break from Poker I'd always assumed that GaF had to be a collective of about 10 people. Surely no one person could play that much poker as well as making the contribution that GaF has to this forum? :unsure Enjoy your well-deserved break - I give it a month at most before you start to go 'cold turkey' and end up back here :rollin

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Re: I'm taking a break from Poker Thank you everyone :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy SO my break starts here :loon I'm taking a complete break from PL, and a 95% break from poker :loon 95%? I will still play a very small number of games - ones I know of so far - the Inside Poker South Africa Freeroll tomorrow night :loon (yes first night of my break, I'm playing poker :wall :wall But a trip to South Africa sounds tooooooo good), the eSport Champions League, and I'll be defending my 32Red Bounty next Saturday :ok So see you at the tables :loon

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