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PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June


PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June  

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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June

Hi Avon The wooden spoon is mine do you have to play a minimum of three because I can only play two in June? Would I qualify my last post was quite a while ago? Silver
Hi, yes you are welcome to play. :ok If you can only play 2 rounds you cannot win the spoon (has to be at least 3 poor performances ;)) but a couple of good finishes might get you near the top of the table, and there is the added €25 into each game to play for and BPP points. I'll be sending the password out later. Reg opens in the morning.
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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June

The Pokerkings link takes you to Casino Club' date=' is this the wrong link???[/quote'] That doesn't look right, no. Though I think it might be the casino arm of PokerKings. :unsure All the PL links seem to take you there, but I can't see a poker option on it. Might have to just download from PokerKings.com and perhaps we can sort out the PL affiliate bit after?
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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June

aces cracked by 89o... gd luck all
think yourself lucky,chato carcked my aces as well with 2/2 after a preflop re-raise :sad gl all, i am trying to find something to extract my foot out of the cats backside
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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June

think yourself lucky,chato carcked my aces as well with 2/2 after a preflop re-raise :sad gl all, i am trying to find something to extract my foot out of the cats backside
oh dear, im playing him in the HU game after the league game too.... may not be the best ov nights to go up against him! :eyes
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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June Not sure what this table is going to come out like. Mine's not as big as GaF's ;) so I can't get it all on one screen print. :\ Going to do the update here rather than overwrite the original in post 1. pk08022afd3.jpg pk08022afd3.5ac7a4cdf0.jpg pk08022bqq2.jpg pk08022bqq2.43f793beda.jpg

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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June

The site link to download takes me to the casino with no option for poker. I tried pokerking.com but none of the menu options on the left are working. So it looks like I won't be joining you tonight :cry
Just tried this now and both the banner ad and the pokerkings hyperlink is working OK for me with a poker download option.
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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June Thanks Avon I just tried and it's working fine. Must be the old PC she's getting a bit cantankerous - keeps complaining about all the rubbish filling up her hard drive. Blown my chances of the wooden spoon now though :cry:cry

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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June New leader at the top of the table. :clap Well done to Tom Hedonist whose win tonight takes him to the top, having made 3 final tables. :loon :clap Samba's 2nd tonight also puts him into 2nd overall.:clap Gremlin making up the podium in 3rd. :clap A few people spoiled their chances of winning the spoon by finishing too high up the board, or 'accidently' forgetting to register. :eyes Gazabroad is trying his best to recover from a good start in week 1 :lol but teaulc is the man to watch next week. :ok pk08063ari3.jpg pk08063ari3.183afb0718.jpg pk08063baq9.jpg pk08063baq9.68a92940b3.jpg

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Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - June I've uploaded the current table into post 1 again, back in easy to read format. :ok Don't forget this is the last round of this months league and still plenty to play for (or avoid playing for ;)). I'll try to do updates for you as we go along.

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