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**Poker Sunday 18th May**


**Poker Sunday 18th May**  

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Re: **Poker Sunday 18th May**

glceud's initial comment implied that Gaf, runadrum and heniek had no intention of playing tonights APT final, and questioned the morality of this. Runadrum has shown his willingness to play all the live events he qualifies for, and posted his reason for withdrawing earlier in the thread. Hen and Gaf probably did have no intention of playing, for differnet reasons, but why shouldn'tthey take advantage of the huge added value in these sats?? Its not their fault that no-one bothers to play them. I also qualified, but unregistered last week when I was depressed with my play - don't think I would have been able to get the time off work either. I played the sat because there was only 2 others entered, so €15 buy-in for a seat worth €140 - be crazy not to. What I don'tagree with though is people playing final qualifiers with no intention of going to the live event - ok, you may be able to cash the prize in (depending on the site), but you're depriving someone else of the opportunity of a lifetime. Gaf, hen and run all withdrew before the final, so in my eyes have done nothing wrong. Sites will continue to offer this added value in sats because they have to in such a competitive market - its up to us to find the right sites and take advantage of it :ok
My initial comment was in response to Jolly's comment were he was replying to Runa and then added that GaF and Hen werent in either, it was them that I suggested might never have intended playing not Runa.(He had allready explained why in any case,not that he needed to) But I cant see how you can say its ok to play a 3 runner Satt if you dont intend going to the live final as long as you pull out before the online final. You have deprived the players you beat off the added value that was intended for that type of player, ie those that want to play poker live. Theres more than enough value out there for those of us purely interested in money;)
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Re: **Poker Sunday 18th May** 1,031st for $45.02 - made a woeful move with top pair, crap kicker and got mullered by top pair, much better kicker. Out soon afterwards. Good luck to Pene, currently on 98k :ok

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