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PokerPlayer Championship 2008 - Leg 4 Bristol 23 Aug - tickets on sale 15 Aug


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Re: PokerPlayer Championship 2008 - Leg 3 Newcastle 2 Aug - tickets on sale 25 July Just Morls, Gaz, Run and Mick then? I'm coming along to rail but am bringing a pile of orders to sort through too so will be alternating between sitting in the car and standing on the rail. :ok Good luck all. :hope

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Re: PokerPlayer Championship 2008 - Leg 3 Newcastle 2 Aug - tickets on sale 25 July I'm surprised these tourneys haven't been as popular as i'd thought they be! These tourneys have so much added value....

The tournament is a £5,000 guaranteed NLHE event with a GUKPT seat (worth £1,060) added. The winner will also progress to the final where he/she will play for £2,500 and a GUKPT grand final seat worth £3,150
there was only 88 runners in Walsall which means £600 was also added to the prizepool!!
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Re: PokerPlayer Championship 2008 - Leg 3 Newcastle 2 Aug - tickets on sale 25 July not sure if this one is sold out yet Mr V! :unsure but not sure whether you'd be able to pay on the day! I reckon if it isn't sold out then yea they'd probably allow you to pay on the day as they wouldn't wana 'lose' money!

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Re: PokerPlayer Championship 2008 - Leg 3 Newcastle 2 Aug - tickets on sale 25 July You do know it's Newcastle Upon Tyne, not Newcastle Under Lyme. :tongue2 I must admit when Gaz mentioned about Walsall I was thinking the same about trying to get in at the last minute. I really really should be 'working', but then again, I probably wouldn't be playing all that long. :eyes I might not be able to resist asking if there's tickets when I get there. Best stick £50 in my purse. (That's another 50 lippys I need to sell now...)

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Re: PokerPlayer Championship 2008 - Leg 3 Newcastle 2 Aug - tickets on sale 25 July

Me and Gaz made the final table but the blinds were so high it was push or fold. Unfortunately I pushed at the wrong time and went out 10th for £50. Gaz finished 6th for £280.
Well played guys I was the first one of us out in 67th. Made chips early but then AJs ran into queens and my death throw with fours found AK with K on flop. Scotland next (hopefully)
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Re: PokerPlayer Championship 2008 - Leg 3 Newcastle 2 Aug - tickets on sale 25 July Enjoyed this tournament but can't really say that I was overly happy with my play! I've played a lot better in other tournaments and haven't even got close to a final table! I got quite lucky in the second hand of the tournament when I had 4k of my 5k stack in the middle on a bluff.... luckily I didn't get called! Managed to get up to around 11k at the first break after the main hand being when I had KQ on a Q high board... pushed it all in only to get called by the small stack who had AA!! I hit a K on the turn which was a bit sick to knock that player out! I had some really nice hands after the break, the main one being when I won a 7k pot when my set of 8's was better than my opponents set of 4's!! However only managed to have about 14k at the second break. After the 2nd break I got some cracking hands... can't remember them now but I know that everytime I went in I had the best hand and it held up! Got upto about 52k at the third break with 18 players left! Blinds were getting far too big after the third break and ppl were just pushing and folding from then on really! I just kept stealing the odd blinds, however a lack of cards meant by the time it got to the final table I only had 34k left! Slick Mick went out in 10th for £50 when his A10 push in the SB ran into JJ wich held up! A big hand for me was with 9 left, I was on around 40k and in the BB with 88.... it folded round to the short stacked button who pushed for 14k (blinds 4k/8k)... the SB called the 14k and I came over the top and went all in.... the SB folded! Button flipped over 9d 10d The flop came Jd 6d 3c which gave him loadsa outs.... the turn was the 9s.... which meant I had 1 out to win the hand...... and bob's ya uncle.... the 8c drops down on the river and I took down a 40k pot! No more real hands to mention after that, the blinds were just so big that I basically just got blinded out! I pushed my 26k stack in when it had folded round to me in the SB (Q8) only to get called by the BB who was holding AJ..... no help for me and I was out in 6th Place for £280! Was good seeing Helen, Duncan and Mick again and am looking forward to the next one!!

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Re: PokerPlayer Championship 2008 - Leg 3 Newcastle 2 Aug - tickets on sale 25 July

A big hand for me was with 9 left, I was on around 40k and in the BB with 88.... it folded round to the short stacked button who pushed for 14k (blinds 4k/8k)... the SB called the 14k and I came over the top and went all in.... the SB folded! Button flipped over 9d 10d The flop came Jd 6d 3c which gave him loadsa outs.... the turn was the 9s.... which meant I had 1 out to win the hand...... and bob's ya uncle.... the 8c drops down on the river and I took down a 40k pot!
this hand can be seen at the very beginning of this video clip!! listen to my reaction.... I'm the one shotuing 'COME ON, COME ON!!!' :loon
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Re: PokerPlayer Championship 2008 - Leg 3 Newcastle 2 Aug - tickets on sale 25 July LOL!!!!!!! Just remembered a funny story from saturday. FAO Avongirl Do you remember when i was playing the rebuy game, and there was a woman with fake boobs opposite me......when you come over to say goodbye? Well about 9pm i get a txt from a ladyfriend saying she was coming to see me at the casino and the lady with fake boobs asked who it was....i just said "wor lass" She replied " ahhh was that the black haired older woman who kissed ya before" I said " nah, shes just the mistress, wor lass is on her way now" :lol

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