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Battle of the Blinds!


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Bianconero was pretty tight player. A few raises preflop. A bit passive post flop maybe. Played around 30 hands with him. I was playing a tight also but agressive both pre and post flop. Starting a new hand (#936591681) Texas Holdem NL $0.25/$0.50 - 14-Apr-2008 21:08:11 Server Table Padron Seat 1: Exitpots ( $49.25 ) Seat 5: CommanderRob ( $9.50 ) Seat 6: obZen ( $72.65 ) Seat 8: AllInTheMind ( $46.20 ) Seat 10: Bianconero121 ( $51.50 ) AllInTheMind posts Small Blind $0.25 Bianconero121 posts Big Blind $0.50 Dealing cards Your cards As Jd [AllInTheMind] Exitpots folds CommanderRob raises $2 obZen folds AllInTheMind raises $6 - Standard to reraise here? Bianconero121 calls $5.75 - Oh dear! What can he have? CommanderRob calls $4.25 Dealing Flop Qc Ad 5d AllInTheMind bets $10 - $18.75 in pot. Good bet? Bianconero121 calls $10 - Now what can he have? FD? Surely not AK would of rereraised preflop? AQ? CommanderRob goes All-in $3.25 Dealing Turn Qc Ad 5d 2d - $42 in pot. What now? I have TP and a FD? AllInTheMind goes All-in $29.95 Bianconero121 calls $29.95

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Re: Battle of the Blinds! I wouldnt be reraising in the small blind with A/j. After that you get two callers and unless you flop 2 pair min you never know were you are. I would have bet the flop like you did but would have checked the turn and let him worry about the check raise. No matter what the river I would have checked and hoped he remained as passive as your read suggests.

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Re: Battle of the Blinds!

I wouldnt be reraising in the small blind with A/j. After that you get two callers and unless you flop 2 pair min you never know were you are. I would have bet the flop like you did but would have checked the turn and let him worry about the check raise. No matter what the river I would have checked and hoped he remained as passive as your read suggests.
We were only 5 handed so I felt reraising with AJ was correct...rerasing from the blinds is something I been starting to do in 6max and more often than not it has been taking down the pot pre flop. I didn't expect the bb to call. I could of checked the turn...and would of done if I didn't have a flush draw. I felt any J or any diamond was going to win the hand...that's 12 outs plus I was still expecting him to fold...what could he have?
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Re: Battle of the Blinds!

Maybe had a pocket pair and hit his set of 5's/Q's/A's on the flop? I'm pretty new to the game but thats the first thing that come's to mind.
If he had pocket Qs or As I would of expected him to rereraise me. Wouldn't he fold pocket 5s to a raise and a reraise?
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Re: Battle of the Blinds! I think raising in the SB is a lot better then calling in the SB as you're out of position in the hand so need to show extra strength i think 6handed position is vital. Post flop is one of those tricky situations that i always get my fingers burnt in. You feel you have to bet after hitting top pair but there's a strong likelyhood someone could be beating you or will call with a variety of hands that could outdraw you anyway. From what i've seen in 6handed it's quite likely bianco is holding pocket Qs hoping to hit a Q and get paid off, like with any pocket pair other than KK or AA. I often see QQ vs KK or AA 6 handed so maybe bianco has too and was hoping to hit the Q. Anyway, the only logical hands he has post flop are AK, AQ, AJ, KJd, QQ, 55. which is a very small range and you don't beat any of them after the turn so it's very likely you're behind so check fold the turn and river. Even against AK no diamond you're only going to win 1 in 4.

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Re: Battle of the Blinds!

Anyway' date=' the only logical hands he has post flop are AK, AQ, AJ, KJd, QQ, 55. which is a very small range and you don't beat any of them after the turn so it's very likely you're behind so check fold the turn and river. Even against AK no diamond you're only going to win 1 in 4.[/quote'] I should have checked the turn and folded if bet into. Sometimes I just blindly continue with the agression BTW...He had AK no diamond and I hit a diamond on the river to win a pot of $98....what a luckbox I am:lol He then called me an idiot in the chat:cry I think he played it appallingly though. If I was him I would have raised that pre flop...checking calling all the way is surely not right:unsure Thanks for the responses.
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Re: Battle of the Blinds!

Sometimes I just blindly continue with the agression I think he played it appallingly though. If I was him I would have raised that pre flop...checking calling all the way is surely not right:unsure
maybe he noticed the aggression ;)why bet into a opponent that you are sure will bet into you,you will just scare them off:eekif he had reraised you may have thought ak but by flat calling he gives you less info:ok if you keep betting heavily from early position someone will pick up on it and trap you. i think the raise pre flop was good , maybe i would have bet a bit less on the flop after a tight player calls a 12bb raise pre flop,maybe $6-8 any raise or call and i would be pretty worried:eek
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Re: Battle of the Blinds! The pot has been raised, then reraised by you, would you really expect him to reraise again with AK offsuit ?? would you have reraised for a third time with AK offsuit. Frankly I hate your reraise with A/J from the small blind. I'd probably fold the hand here. It's not that strong a hand, and your position is dreadful. But you get the call and a decent enough flop, so you bet into it. nothing wrong with that. He flat calls. Ding Ding Ding !!!! Alarm bells should be ringing loud and clear. He's not tried to take down the pot, he feels good and wants to give you a chance to bet. You need to check the turn and fold to any serious bet. how can you think you're ahead at this point ? what kind of hand do you put him on that will call here, and you can beat ? Napolean said, "Never interupt your enemy when he's making a mistake" that's exactly what this guy did, he played this hand masterfuly, and you sucked out on him. Understand why he was pissed off

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Re: Battle of the Blinds!

Dealing FlopQc Ad 5d AllInTheMind bets $10 - $18.75 in pot. Bianconero121 calls $10

If you had AK would you not re raise here especially with the FD out there?

Dealing Turn Qc Ad 5d 2d - $42 in pot. AllInTheMind goes All-in $29.95

If you had AK would you call this?
if i had a good read on a player then yes to both. like i said before,if you have been showing a lot of aggression then its likely that i would call you down with this hand.there aren't many hands beating me and i would say by the betting that it would be unlikely you have the flush or a set,i would probably be drawn to pretty much what you had or maybe that you had ak as well:ok if your going to be aggressive the worst hands to do it with are aj a10 because if a tight player is calling you down you can bet they have you beat.your better off playing hands like connectors because at least your not dominated by a caller;). whether it good play or bad all comes down to your odds when the money goes in, and if you made as much or lost as little as possible.all of your stack into a 75-25 pot is not good and will hurt overtime. although your play was not terrible ,playing aj hard against solid opponents is a very dangerous game . if you play it dont look to be playing your whole stack, unless you hit at least 2 pair.
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Re: Battle of the Blinds! Fair do's Uber. I very very rarely play any hand out of position in 6max and when I do it usually costs me. I do like to re raise from the blinds every now and then. This is an example of that and how I can let it get out of control:$ Thanks for all the comments:ok

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