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Friday night focus games


Friday night focus games  

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    • i would like to play in fridays focus games
    • i would like to play omaha limit
    • i would like to play omaha pl
    • i would like to play omaha hilo limit
    • i would like to play omha hilo pl
    • i would like to play 7 card stud limit
    • i would like to play 5 card draw limit
    • i would like to play holdem nl
    • i would like to play holdem pl
    • no on friday nights i like to call myself susan and go out in womens clothes,so no poker for me

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This friday the focus games will again be variant focus games on laddies:ok double usual bpp points will be possible but you will need to work hard for them:loon we will be playing either : 4 games if less than 10 players. start at 8.30 at 30 min intervals (50%bpp points for each game) 3 games if less than 20 players start at 8.30 at 45 minute intervals(66.6%bpp points for each game) 2 games if 20 or more players start at 8.30 1 hr intervals(normal points for each game) each game will be $2 +0.2 buy in again ,but this week a poll will decide what we will play ,game and limit. the most popular games will be the ones selected for friday . the poll will close at 7.30 so we can set up the tables:ok

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Re: Friday night focus games oh forgot to mention we will only be playing either limit or pl in each variant ,so if omaha high limit was top and omaha high pl is second then we will be discounting the pl game. seems a little pointless playing the same type of game twice:ok i will work out which way round we will play the games ,so that hopefully we dont get omaha and hilo toghether, as that can be a bit too confusing.

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Re: Friday night focus games 2 hrs to vote for your favourite game:ok looks like it will be 3 games tonight(i'd guess we will get a few more in the next couple of hours) me and strider will sort out table one and two,can somebody else please set up the other table please:notworthy i will post the games up at 7.30 so we have a hour to set em up before we start:).

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Re: Friday night focus games What you mean is it is incredibly difficult to do but you will struggle through it and set it up;)

Just had a look at the private table set up' date=' doesn't seem to taxing...(famous last words)...so I'll give it a go if you want Uber. Just let me know what you want and when you want it and I'll do me best. :)[/quote']
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Re: Friday night focus games Not sure mate ill post mine here earlyish,btw i didnt tick top box either:lol

Well' date=' I've ballsed that up. Voted for a type of game, but didn't tick the top box. When does the p/w get issued / posted?[/quote']
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Re: Friday night focus games

Just had a look at the private table set up' date=' doesn't seem to taxing...(famous last words)...so I'll give it a go if you want Uber. Just let me know what you want and when you want it and I'll do me best. :)[/quote'] yeah ,thanks fonzie:ok if you could set up table 3 that would be great. so here goes i will sort table 1 8.30 pm omaha pl mtt $2 +$.2 1000 chips ,10 min blinds up to 50 players strider table 2 9.15 pm 7 card stud limit mtt $2+$.2 1000 chips, 10 min blinds,up to 50 players fonzie table 3 10 pm omaha hilo pl mtt $2+$.2 1000 chips ,10 min blinds,up to 50 players everybody ok with that:ok
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